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PW(8)			    System Manager's Manual			 PW(8)

       pw -- create, remove, modify & display system users and groups

       pw  [-R	rootdir]  [-V  etcdir]	useradd	[-n] name [-mNoPq] [-C config]
	  [-c comment] [-d homedir] [-e	accexpdate] [-G	grouplist] [-g	group]
	  [-H  fd]  [-h	fd] [-k	skeldir] [-L class] [-M	mode] [-p passexpdate]
	  [-s shell] [-u uid] [-w passmethod] [-Y [-y nispasswd]]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] useradd -D [-q] [-b basehome]  [-C  config]
	  [-e	accexpdays]  [-G  grouplist]  [-g  group]  [-i	mingid,maxgid]
	  [-k	skeldir]   [-M	 mode]	  [-p	 passexpdays]	 [-s	shell]
	  [-u minuid,maxuid] [-w passmethod] [-Y [-y nispasswd]]
       pw   [-R	  rootdir]   [-V  etcdir]  userdel  [-n]  name|[-u]  uid  [-r]
	  [-Y [-y nispasswd]]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] usermod [-n]	name|uid [-u newuid] | -u  uid
	  [-mNPq]  [-C	config]	 [-c  comment]	[-d  homedir]  [-e accexpdate]
	  [-k skeldir] [-G grouplist] [-g group] [-H fd] [-h  fd]  [-L	class]
	  [-l  newname]	 [-M mode] [-p passexpdate] [-s	shell] [-w passmethod]
	  [-Y [-y nispasswd]]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] usershow [-n] name|[-u] uid [-7aFP]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] usernext [-q] [-C config]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] groupadd [-n]  name	[-oNPqY]  [-C  config]
	  [-g gid] [-H fd] [-h fd] [-M members]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] groupdel [-n] name|[-g] gid [-Y]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] groupmod [-n] name|gid [-g newgid] |	-g gid
	  [-NPqY]  [-C	config]	 [-d  oldmembers] [-H fd] [-h fd] [-l newname]
	  [-M members] [-m newmembers]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] groupshow [-n] name|[-g] gid	[-aFP]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] groupnext [-C config] [-q]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] lock	[-n] name|[-u] uid [-q]	[-C config]
       pw [-R rootdir] [-V etcdir] unlock [-n] name|[-u] uid [-q] [-C config]

       The pw utility is a command-line	based editor for the system  user  and
       group files, allowing the superuser an easy to use and standardized way
       of  adding, modifying and removing users	and groups.  Note that pw only
       operates	on the local user and group files.  NIS	users and groups  must
       be  maintained  on the NIS server.  The pw utility handles updating the
       passwd(5), master.passwd(5), group(5) and the secure and	insecure pass-
       word database files, and	must be	run as root.

       The first one or	two keywords provided to pw on the command  line  pro-
       vide the	context	for the	remainder of the arguments.  The keywords user
       and  group may be combined with add, del, mod, show, or next in any or-
       der.  (For example, showuser, usershow, show user, and  user  show  all
       mean  the  same	thing.)	  This	flexibility  is	useful for interactive
       scripts calling pw for user and group database manipulation.  Following
       these keywords, the user	or group name or numeric id may	be  optionally
       specified  as  an  alternative to using the -n name, -u uid, -g gid op-

       The following flags are common to most or all modes of operation:

       -R rootdir    Specifies an alternate root  directory  within  which  pw
		     will  operate.   Any  paths specified will	be relative to

       -V etcdir     Set an alternate location for the	password,  group,  and
		     configuration   files.    Can   be	 used  to  maintain  a
		     user/group	database in an alternate  location.   If  this
		     switch  is	specified, the system /etc/pw.conf will	not be
		     sourced for default  configuration	 data,	but  the  file
		     pw.conf  in  the specified	directory will be used instead
		     (or none, if it does not exist).  The -C flag may be used
		     to	override this behaviour.  As an	exception to the  gen-
		     eral  rule	 where options must follow the operation type,
		     the -V flag must be used on the command line  before  the
		     operation keyword.

       -C config     By	default, pw reads the file /etc/pw.conf	to obtain pol-
		     icy  information  on how new user accounts	and groups are
		     to	be created.  The -C option specifies a different  con-
		     figuration	 file.	While most of the contents of the con-
		     figuration	file may be overridden	via  command-line  op-
		     tions,  it	may be more convenient to keep standard	infor-
		     mation in a configuration file.

       -q	     Use of this option	causes pw to suppress error  messages,
		     which  may	be useful in interactive environments where it
		     is	preferable to interpret	status codes  returned	by  pw
		     rather than messing up a carefully	formatted display.

       -N	     This  option  is  available in add	and modify operations,
		     and tells pw to output the	result of the operation	 with-
		     out  updating  the	 user or group databases.  You may use
		     the -P option to switch between standard passwd and read-
		     able formats.

       -Y	     Using this	option with any	of the update modes causes  pw
		     to	 run  make(1) after changing to	the directory /var/yp.
		     This is intended to allow automatic updating of NIS data-
		     base files.  If separate passwd and group files are being
		     used by NIS, then use the -y nispasswd option to  specify
		     the  location  of the NIS passwd database so that pw will
		     concurrently update it with  the  system  password	 data-

       The following options apply to the useradd and usermod commands:

       [-n] name     Required  unless  -u  uid is given.  Specify the user/ac-
		     count name.  In the case of usermod can be	a uid.

       -u uid	     Required if name is not given.  Specify the  user/account
		     numeric  id.  In the case of usermod if paired with name,
		     changes the numeric id of the named user/account.

		     Usually, only one of these	options	is  required,  as  the
		     account name will imply the uid, or vice versa.  However,
		     there  are	times when both	are needed.  For example, when
		     changing the uid of an existing  user  with  usermod,  or
		     overriding	 the  default  uid when	creating a new account
		     with useradd.  To automatically allocate the uid to a new
		     user with useradd,	then do	not use	the -u option.	Either
		     the account or userid can also  be	 provided  immediately
		     after the useradd,	userdel, usermod, or usershow keywords
		     on	the command line without using the -n or -u options.

       -c comment    This  field  sets the contents of the passwd GECOS	field,
		     which normally contains up	to four	comma-separated	fields
		     containing	the user's full	name, office or	location,  and
		     work  and	home phone numbers.  These sub-fields are used
		     by	convention only, however, and are optional.   If  this
		     field  is to contain spaces, the comment must be enclosed
		     in	double quotes `"'.  Avoid using	commas in  this	 field
		     as	 these are used	as sub-field separators, and the colon
		     `:' character also	cannot be used as this	is  the	 field
		     separator for the passwd file itself.

       -d homedir    This option sets the account's home directory.  Normally,
		     this  is only used	if the home directory is to be differ-
		     ent from the default determined from /etc/pw.conf -  nor-
		     mally /home with the account name as a subdirectory.

       -e accexpdate
		     Set the account's expiration date.	 Format	of the date is
		     either   a	  UNIX	 time	in   decimal,  or  a  date  in
		     `dd-mmm-yy[yy]' format, where dd is the day, mmm  is  the
		     month,  either  in	 numeric  or alphabetic	format ('Jan',
		     'Feb', etc) and year is either a two or four digit	 year.
		     This  option  also	 accepts  a  relative date in the form
		     `+n[mhdwoy]' where	`n' is a decimal, octal	(leading 0) or
		     hexadecimal (leading 0x) digit followed by	the number  of
		     Minutes,  Hours,  Days,  Weeks,  Months or	Years from the
		     current date at which the expiration date is to be	set.

       -p passexpdate
		     Set the account's password	expiration date.   This	 field
		     is	 similar to the	account	expiration date	option,	except
		     that it applies to	forced password	changes.  This is  set
		     in	the same manner	as the -e option.

       -g group	     Set  the  account's  primary  group  to  the given	group.
		     group may be defined by either its	name or	group number.

       -G grouplist  Set  secondary  group   memberships   for	 an   account.
		     grouplist	is  a  comma,  space, or tab-separated list of
		     group names or group numbers.  The	user is	added  to  the
		     groups  specified	in  grouplist,	and  removed  from all
		     groups not	specified.  The	current	login session  is  not
		     affected by group membership changes, which only take ef-
		     fect  when	 the user reconnects.  Note: do	not add	a user
		     to	their primary group with grouplist.

       -L class	     This option sets the login	class for the user being  cre-
		     ated.   See login.conf(5) and passwd(5) for more informa-
		     tion on user login	classes.

       -m	     This option instructs pw to attempt to create the	user's
		     home directory.  While primarily useful when adding a new
		     account with useradd, this	may also be of use when	moving
		     an	 existing  user's home directory elsewhere on the file
		     system.  The new home directory  is  populated  with  the
		     contents  of the skeleton directory, which	typically con-
		     tains a set of shell configuration	files  that  the  user
		     may  personalize  to  taste.  Files in this directory are
		     usually named dot.<config>	where the dot prefix  will  be
		     stripped.	 When  -m  is used on an account with usermod,
		     existing configuration files in the user's	home directory
		     are not overwritten from the skeleton files.

		     When a user's home	directory is created, it will  by  de-
		     fault  be	a  subdirectory	 of  the basehome directory as
		     specified by the -b option, bearing the name of  the  new
		     account.	This can be overridden by the -d option	on the
		     command line, if desired.

       -M mode	     Create the	user's home directory with the specified mode,
		     modified by the current umask(2).	If omitted, it is  de-
		     rived  from the parent process' umask(2).	This option is
		     only useful in combination	with the -m flag.

       -k skeldir    Set the skeleton directory, from which basic startup  and
		     configuration  files  are copied when the user's home di-
		     rectory is	created.  This option only  has	 meaning  when
		     used with the -d or -m flags.

       -s shell	     Set  or  changes the user's login shell to	shell.	If the
		     path to the shell program is  omitted,  pw	 searches  the
		     shellpath	specified  in  /etc/pw.conf and	fills it in as
		     appropriate.  Note	that unless you	have a specific	reason
		     to	do so, you should avoid	specifying  the	 path  -  this
		     will  allow pw to validate	that the program exists	and is
		     executable.  Specifying a full path (or supplying a blank
		     ""	shell) avoids this check and allows for	 such  entries
		     as	 /nonexistent  that should be set for accounts not in-
		     tended for	interactive login.

       -h fd	     This option provides a special interface by which	inter-
		     active scripts can	set an account password	using pw.  Be-
		     cause  the	command	line and environment are fundamentally
		     insecure mechanisms by which programs can accept informa-
		     tion, pw will only	allow setting  of  account  and	 group
		     passwords	via  a file descriptor (usually	a pipe between
		     an	interactive script and the program).   sh,  bash,  ksh
		     and  perl	all  possess  mechanisms  by which this	can be
		     done.  Alternatively, pw will prompt for the user's pass-
		     word if -h	0 is given, nominating stdin as	the  file  de-
		     scriptor  on  which to read the password.	Note that this
		     password will be read only	once and is intended  for  use
		     by	a script rather	than for interactive use.  If you wish
		     to	 have  new  password  confirmation  along the lines of
		     passwd(1),	this must be implemented as part of an	inter-
		     active script that	calls pw.

		     If	 a  value of `-' is given as the argument fd, then the
		     password will be set to `*', rendering the	account	 inac-
		     cessible via password-based login.

       -H fd	     Read an encrypted password	string from the	specified file
		     descriptor.   This	is like	-h, but	the password should be
		     supplied already encrypted	in a form suitable for writing
		     directly to the password database.	 See openssl-passwd(1)
		     and crypt(3) for more details  about  generating  an  en-
		     crypted password hash.

       It  is  possible	to use useradd to create a new account that duplicates
       an existing user	id.  While this	is normally considered	an  error  and
       will  be	rejected, the -o option	overrides the check for	duplicates and
       allows the duplication of the user id.  This may	be useful if you allow
       the same	user to	login under different contexts (different group	 allo-
       cations,	different home directory, different shell) while providing ba-
       sically the same	permissions for	access to the user's files in each ac-

       The  useradd command also has the ability to set	new user and group de-
       faults by using the -D option.  Instead of adding a new user, pw	writes
       a new set of defaults to	its configuration  file,  /etc/pw.conf.	  When
       using  the  -D  option, you must	not use	either -n name or -u uid or an
       error will result.  Use of -D changes the meaning  of  several  command
       line switches in	the useradd command.  These are:

       -D	     Set default values	in /etc/pw.conf	configuration file, or
		     a different named configuration file if the -C config op-
		     tion is used.

       -b basehome   Set the root directory in which user home directories are
		     created.  The default value for this is /home, but	it may
		     be	set elsewhere as desired.

       -e accexpdays
		     Set  the default account expiration period	in days.  When
		     -D	is used, the accexpdays	argument is  interpreted  dif-
		     ferently.	 It  must be numeric and represents the	number
		     of	days after creation that the account expires.  A value
		     of	0 suppresses automatic calculation of the expiry date.

       -p passexpdays
		     Set the default password expiration period	in days.  When
		     -D	is used, the passexpdays argument is interpreted  dif-
		     ferently.	 It  must be numeric and represents the	number
		     of	days after creation that the account expires.  A value
		     of	0 suppresses automatic calculation of the expiry date.

       -g group	     Set the default group for new users.  If a	blank group is
		     specified using -g	"", then new users will	 be  allocated
		     their  own	 private  primary  group with the same name as
		     their login name.	If a group  is	supplied,  either  its
		     name or uid may be	given as an argument.

       -G grouplist  Set  the  default	groups	in which new users are granted
		     membership.  This is a separate set of  groups  from  the
		     primary  group.   Avoid nominating	the same group as both
		     primary and extra groups.	In other  words,  these	 extra
		     groups determine membership in groups other than the pri-
		     mary group.  grouplist is a comma-separated list of group
		     names  or	ids,  and are always stored in /etc/pw.conf by
		     their symbolic names.

       -L class	     This option sets the default login	class for new users.

       -k skeldir    Set the default skeleton directory, from which  prototype
		     shell  and	 other initialization files are	copied when pw
		     creates a user's home directory.  See description	of  -k
		     for naming	conventions of these files.

       -u minuid,maxuid, -i mingid,maxgid
		     Set  the minimum and maximum user and group ids allocated
		     for new accounts and groups created by pw.	  The  default
		     values  for  each	is  1000  minimum  and	32000 maximum.
		     minuid and	maxuid are both	numbers,  where	 max  must  be
		     greater  than  min,  and both must	be between 0 and 32767
		     (the same applies to mingid  and  maxgid).	  In  general,
		     user  and group ids less than 100 are reserved for	use by
		     the system, and numbers greater than 32000	 may  also  be
		     reserved  for  special  purposes  (used  by  some	system

       -w passmethod
		     The -w option selects the	default	 method	 used  to  set
		     passwords for newly created user accounts.	 passmethod is
		     one of:

			   no	   disable login on newly created accounts
			   yes	   force the password to be the	account	name
			   none	   force a blank password
			   random  generate a random password

		     The random	or no methods are the most secure; in the for-
		     mer  case,	 pw generates a	password and prints it to std-
		     out, which	is suitable when users	are  issued  passwords
		     rather  than  being allowed to select their own (possibly
		     poorly chosen) password.  The no method requires that the
		     superuser use passwd(1) to	render the account  accessible
		     with a password.

       -y path	     This sets the pathname of the database used by NIS	if you
		     are  not  sharing the information from /etc/master.passwd
		     directly with NIS.	 You should only set this  option  for
		     NIS servers.

       The userdel command has three distinct options.	The -n name and	-u uid
       options have already been covered above.	 The additional	option is:

       -r	     This tells	pw to remove the user's	home directory and all
		     of	its contents.  The pw utility errs on the side of cau-
		     tion  when	 removing  files from the system.  Firstly, it
		     will not do so if the uid of the account being removed is
		     also used by another  account  on	the  system,  and  the
		     "home"  directory	in  the	 password file is a valid path
		     that commences with the character `/'.  Secondly, it will
		     only remove files and directories that are	actually owned
		     by	the user, or symbolic links owned by anyone under  the
		     user's  home directory.  Finally, after deleting all con-
		     tents owned by the	user only empty	 directories  will  be
		     removed.	If the home directory is a ZFS dataset and has
		     been  emptied,  the  dataset  will	 be  destroyed.	   ZFS
		     datasets  within the home directory and snapshots are not
		     handled.  If any additional  cleanup  work	 is  required,
		     this is left to the administrator.

       Mail  spool  files  and crontab(5) files	are always removed when	an ac-
       count is	deleted	as these are  unconditionally  attached	 to  the  user
       name.   Jobs  queued  for  processing  by at(1) are also	removed	if the
       user's uid is unique and	not also used by another account on  the  sys-

       The usermod command adds	one additional option:

       -l newname    This  option  allows changing of an existing account name
		     to	newname.  The new name must not	already	exist, and any
		     attempt to	duplicate an existing account name will	be re-

       The usershow command allows viewing of an account in one	 of  two  for-
       mats.   By  default,  the  format  is  identical	 to the	format used in
       /etc/master.passwd with the password field replaced with	a `*'.	If the
       -P option is used, then pw outputs the account details in a more	 human
       readable	form.  If the -7 option	is used, the account details are shown
       in  v7 format.  The -a option lists all users currently on file.	 Using
       -F forces pw to print the details of an account even if it does not ex-

       The command usernext returns the	next available user and	group ids sep-
       arated by a colon.  This	is normally of interest	 only  to  interactive
       scripts or front-ends that use pw.

       The  -C and -q options (explained at the	start of the previous section)
       are available with the group manipulation commands.  Other  common  op-
       tions to	all group-related commands are:

       [-n] name      Required	unless	-g  gid	 is  given.  Specify the group
		      name.  In	the case of groupmod can be a gid.

       -g gid	      Required if name is not given.  Specify  the  group  nu-
		      meric  id.  In the case of groupmod if paired with name,
		      changes the numeric id of	the named group.

		      As with the account name and id fields, you will usually
		      only need	to supply one of these,	as the group name  im-
		      plies the	uid and	vice versa.  You will only need	to use
		      both  when  setting  a  specific	group id against a new
		      group or when changing the uid of	an existing group.

       -M memberlist  This option provides an alternative way to add  existing
		      users  to	a new group (in	groupadd) or replace an	exist-
		      ing membership list  (in	groupmod).   memberlist	 is  a
		      comma separated list of valid and	existing user names or

       -m newmembers  Similar to -M, this option allows	the addition of	exist-
		      ing users	to a group without replacing the existing list
		      of  members.   Login  names or user ids may be used, and
		      duplicate	users are silently eliminated.

       -d oldmembers  Similar to -M, this option allows	the deletion of	exist-
		      ing users	from a group without  replacing	 the  existing
		      list  of	members.  Login	names or user ids may be used,
		      and duplicate users are silently eliminated.

       groupadd	also has a -o option that allows  allocation  of  an  existing
       group id	to a new group.	 The default action is to reject an attempt to
       add  a  group,  and this	option overrides the check for duplicate group
       ids.  There is rarely any need to duplicate a group id.

       The groupmod command adds one additional	option:

       -l newname     This option allows changing of an	existing group name to
		      newname.	The new	name must not already exist,  and  any
		      attempt  to duplicate an existing	group name will	be re-

       Options for groupshow are the same as for usershow, with	the -g gid re-
       placing -u uid to specify the group id.	The -7 option does  not	 apply
       to the groupshow	command.

       The  command  groupnext returns the next	available group	id on standard

       The pw utility supports a simple	password locking mechanism for	users;
       it  works  by  prepending the string `*LOCKED*' to the beginning	of the
       password	field in master.passwd(5) to  prevent  successful  authentica-

       The  lock and unlock commands take a user name or uid of	the account to
       lock or unlock, respectively.  The -V, -C, and -q options as  described
       above are accepted by these commands.

       For a summary of	options	available with each command, you can use
	     pw	[command] help
       For example,
	     pw	useradd	help
       lists all available options for the useradd operation.

       The  pw	utility	 allows	 8-bit	characters  in	the passwd GECOS field
       (user's full name, office, work and home	phone number  subfields),  but
       disallows  them	in  user  login	and group names.  Use 8-bit characters
       with caution, as	connection to the Internet will	require	that your mail
       transport program supports 8BITMIME, and	will convert headers  contain-
       ing  8-bit  characters  to  7-bit quoted-printable format.  sendmail(8)
       does support this.  Use of 8-bit	characters in the GECOS	 field	should
       be used in conjunction with the user's default locale and character set
       and  should  not	be implemented without their use.  Using 8-bit charac-
       ters may	also affect other programs that	transmit the contents  of  the
       GECOS  field  over the Internet,	such as	fingerd(8), and	a small	number
       of TCP/IP clients, such as IRC,	where  full  names  specified  in  the
       passwd file may be used by default.

       The  pw	utility	writes a log to	the /var/log/userlog file when actions
       such as user or group additions or deletions occur.   The  location  of
       this logfile can	be changed in pw.conf(5).

       /etc/master.passwd      The user	database
       /etc/passwd	       A Version 7 format password file
       /etc/login.conf	       The user	capabilities database
       /etc/group	       The group database
       /etc/pw.conf	       Pw default options file
       /var/log/userlog	       User/group modification logfile

       Add new user Glurmo Smith (gsmith).  A gsmith login group is created if
       not already present.  The login shell is	set to csh(1).	A new home di-
       rectory	at  /home/gsmith is created if it does not already exist.  Fi-
       nally, a	random password	is generated and displayed:

	     pw	useradd	-n gsmith -c "Glurmo Smith" -s csh -m -w random

       Delete the gsmith user and their	home directory,	including contents.

	     pw	userdel	-n gsmith -r

       Add the existing	user jsmith to the wheel group,	 in  addition  to  the
       other groups jsmith is already a	member of.

	     pw	groupmod wheel -m jsmith

       Generate	 random	 password and show it in both plain text and encrypted
       form not	modifying any database.

	     pw	usermod	nobody -Nw random

       The pw utility returns EXIT_SUCCESS on successful operation,  otherwise
       pw  returns  one	 of the	following exit codes defined by	sysexits(3) as

	     	 Command line syntax errors (invalid keyword, unknown option).

	     	 Attempting to run one of the update modes as non-root.

	     	 Memory	allocation error.
	     	 Read error from password file descriptor.

	     	 Bad or	invalid	data provided or missing on the	 command  line
		 or via	the password file descriptor.
	     	 Attempted to remove, rename root account or change its	uid.

	     	 Skeleton directory is invalid or does not exist.
	     	 Base home directory is	invalid	or does	not exist.
	     	 Invalid or non-existent shell specified.

	     	 User, user id,	group or group id specified does not exist.
	     	 User  or group	recorded, added, or modified unexpectedly dis-

	     	 No more group or user ids available within specified range.

	     	 Unable	to rewrite configuration file.
	     	 Error updating	group or user database files.
	     	 Update	error for passwd or group database files.

	     	 No base home directory	configured.

       chpass(1), passwd(1),  umask(2),	 group(5),  login.conf(5),  passwd(5),
       pw.conf(5), pwd_mkdb(8),	vipw(8), zfs(8)

       The  pw	utility	 was  written to mimic many of the options used	in the
       SYSV shadow support suite, but is modified for passwd and group	fields
       specific	 to the	4.4BSD operating system, and combines all of the major
       elements	into a single command.

FreeBSD	13.2		       November	28, 2022			 PW(8)


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