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CRASHINFO(8)		    System Manager's Manual		  CRASHINFO(8)

       crashinfo -- analyze a core dump	of the operating system

       crashinfo [-d crashdir] [-n dumpnr] [-k kernel] [core]

       The  crashinfo  utility	analyzes a core	dump saved by savecore(8).  It
       generates a text	file containing	the analysis in	the same directory  as
       the  core  dump.	 For a given core dump file named vmcore.XX the	gener-
       ated text file will be named core.txt.XX.

       By default, crashinfo analyzes the most recent core dump	 in  the  core
       dump  directory.	  A specific core dump may be specified	via either the
       core or dumpnr arguments.  Once crashinfo has located a core  dump,  it
       analyzes	 the  core  dump  to determine the exact version of the	kernel
       that generated the core.	 It then looks for a matching kernel file  un-
       der  each  of  the subdirectories in /boot.  The	location of the	kernel
       file can	also be	explicitly provided via	the kernel argument.

       Once crashinfo has located a core dump  and  kernel,  it	 uses  several
       utilities  to analyze the core including	dmesg(8), fstat(1), iostat(8),
       ipcs(1),	 kgdb(1)  (ports/devel/gdb),  netstat(1),  nfsstat(1),	ps(1),
       pstat(8), and vmstat(8).	 Note that kgdb	must be	installed from the de-
       vel/gdb port or gdb package.

       The options are as follows:

       -b      Run in batch mode.  Write most messages to the core.txt.XX file
	       instead	of  the	terminal.  This	flag is	used when crashinfo is
	       run during boot.

       -d crashdir
	       Specify an alternate core dump directory.   The	default	 crash
	       dump directory is /var/crash.

       -n dumpnr
	       Use  the	core dump saved	in vmcore.dumpnr instead of the	latest
	       core in the core	dump directory.

       -k kernel
	       Specify an explicit kernel file.

       textdump(4), savecore(8)

       The crashinfo utility appeared in FreeBSD 6.4.

FreeBSD	13.2		       December	2, 2020			  CRASHINFO(8)


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