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CTLADM(8)		    System Manager's Manual		     CTLADM(8)

       ctladm -- CAM Target Layer control utility

       ctladm <command>	[lun] [generic args] [command args]
       ctladm tur <lun>	[general options]
       ctladm inquiry <lun> [general options]
       ctladm reqsense <lun> [general options]
       ctladm reportluns <lun> [general	options]
       ctladm  read  <lun> [general options] <-l lba> <-d datalen> <-f file|->
	      <-b blocksize_bytes> [-c cdbsize]	[-N]
       ctladm write <lun> [general options] <-l	lba> <-d datalen> <-f  file|->
	      <-b blocksize_bytes> [-c cdbsize]	[-N]
       ctladm readcap <lun> [general options] [-c cdbsize]
       ctladm  modesense  <lun>	 <-m  page  |  -l>  [-P	 pc] [-d] [-S subpage]
	      [-c size]
       ctladm start <lun> [general options] [-i] [-o]
       ctladm stop <lun> [general options] [-i]	[-o]
       ctladm synccache	<lun> [general options]	[-l lba] [-b blockcount]  [-r]
	      [-i] [-c cdbsize]
       ctladm lunlist
       ctladm delay <lun> <-l datamove|done> <-t secs> [-T oneshot|cont]
       ctladm inject <-i action> <-p pattern> [-r lba,len] [-s len fmt [args]]
	      [-c] [-d delete_id]
       ctladm  create  <-b  backend> [-B blocksize] [-d	device_id] [-l lun_id]
	      [-o name=value] [-s size_bytes] [-S serial_num] [-t device_type]
       ctladm remove <-b backend> <-l lun_id> [-o name=value]
       ctladm modify <-b backend> <-l lun_id> [-o name=value] <-s size_bytes>
       ctladm devlist [-b backend] [-v]	[-x]
       ctladm  port  [-c]  [-d	driver]	 [-o  on|off]  [-w  wwpn]  [-W	 wwnn]
	      [-O name=value] [-p targ_port] [-r] [-t fe_type]
       ctladm portlist [-f frontend] [-i] [-l] [-p targ_port] [-q] [-v]	[-x]
       ctladm lunmap <-p targ_port> [-l	pLUN] [-L cLUN]
       ctladm dumpooa
       ctladm dumpstructs
       ctladm islist [-v] [-x]
       ctladm islogout <-a | -c	connection-id |	-i name	| -p portal>
       ctladm isterminate <-a |	-c connection-id | -i name | -p	portal>
       ctladm help

       The  ctladm  utility is designed	to provide a way to access and control
       the CAM Target Layer (CTL).  It provides	a way to send SCSI commands to
       the CTL layer, and also provides	some meta-commands that	 utilize  SCSI
       commands.   (For	instance, the lunlist command is implemented using the
       SCSI REPORT LUNS	and INQUIRY commands.)

       The ctladm utility has a	number of primary functions, many of which re-
       quire a device identifier.  The device identifier takes	the  following

       lun	       Specify the LUN number to operate on.
       Many  of	the primary functions of the ctladm utility take the following
       optional	arguments:

       -C retries  Specify the number of times to retry	a command in the event
		   of failure.

       -D device   Specify the device to open.	This allows opening  a	device
		   other  than	the default device, /dev/cam/ctl, to be	opened
		   for sending commands.

       -I id	   Specify the initiator number	to use.	  By  default,	ctladm
		   will	use 7 as the initiator number.

       Primary commands:

       tur	    Send  the  SCSI  TEST UNIT READY command to	the device and
		    report whether or not it is	ready.

       inquiry	    Send the SCSI INQUIRY command to the  device  and  display
		    some of the	returned inquiry data.

       reqsense	    Send the SCSI REQUEST SENSE	command	to the device and dis-
		    play the returned sense information.

       reportluns   Send  the  SCSI REPORT LUNS	command	to the device and dis-
		    play supported LUNs.

       read	    Send a SCSI	READ command to	the device, and	write the  re-
		    quested data to a file or stdout.

		    -l lba	  Specify  the	starting Logical Block Address
				  for the READ.	 This can be specified in dec-
				  imal,	octal (starting	with  0),  hexadecimal
				  (starting  with  0x)	or any other base sup-
				  ported by strtoull(3).

		    -d datalen	  Specify the length, in 512 byte  blocks,  of
				  the READ request.

		    -f file	  Specify the destination for the data read by
				  the  READ command.  Either a filename	or `-'
				  for stdout may be specified.

		    -c cdbsize	  Specify the minimum SCSI CDB	(Command  Data
				  Block) size to be used for the READ request.
				  Allowable  values are	6, 10, 12 and 16.  De-
				  pending upon the LBA and amount of data  re-
				  quested,  a  larger  CDB size	may be used to
				  satisfy the request.	(e.g., for LBAs	 above
				  0xffffffff, READ(16) must be used to satisfy
				  the request.)

		    -b blocksize  Specify the blocksize	of the underlying SCSI
				  device, so the transfer length can be	calcu-
				  lated	 accurately.  The blocksize can	be ob-
				  tained via the SCSI READ CAPACITY command.

		    -N		  Do not copy data to ctladm from  the	kernel
				  when	doing a	read, just execute the command
				  without copying data.	 This is  to  be  used
				  for performance testing.

       write	    Read  data from a file or stdin, and write the data	to the
		    device using the SCSI WRITE	command.

		    -l lba	  Specify the starting Logical	Block  Address
				  for  the  WRITE.   This  can be specified in
				  decimal, octal (starting with	0),  hexadeci-
				  mal  (starting  with	0x)  or	any other base
				  supported by strtoull(3).

		    -d atalen	  Specify the length, in 512 byte  blocks,  of
				  the WRITE request.

		    -f file	  Specify  the source for the data to be writ-
				  ten by the WRITE command.  Either a filename
				  or `-' for stdin may be specified.

		    -c cdbsize	  Specify the minimum SCSI CDB	(Command  Data
				  Block) size to be used for the READ request.
				  Allowable  values are	6, 10, 12 and 16.  De-
				  pending upon the LBA and amount of data  re-
				  quested,  a  larger  CDB size	may be used to
				  satisfy the request.	(e.g., for LBAs	 above
				  0xffffffff, READ(16) must be used to satisfy
				  the request.)

		    -b blocksize  Specify the blocksize	of the underlying SCSI
				  device, so the transfer length can be	calcu-
				  lated	 accurately.  The blocksize can	be ob-
				  tained via the SCSI READ CAPACITY command.

		    -N		  Do not copy data to  ctladm  to  the	kernel
				  when doing a write, just execute the command
				  without  copying  data.   This is to be used
				  for performance testing.

       readcap	    Send the SCSI READ CAPACITY	command	to the device and dis-
		    play the device size and device block size.	  By  default,
		    READ  CAPACITY(10) is used.	 If the	device returns a maxi-
		    mum	LBA of 0xffffffff, however, ctladm will	 automatically
		    issue  a READ CAPACITY(16),	which is implemented as	a ser-
		    vice action	of the SERVICE ACTION IN(16) opcode.  The user
		    can	specify	the minimum CDB	size  with  the	 -c  argument.
		    Valid  values  for	the  -c	option are 10 and 16.  If a 10
		    byte CDB is	specified, the request will  be	 automatically
		    reissued with a 16 byte CDB	if the maximum LBA returned is

       modesense    Send  a SCSI MODE SENSE command to the device, and display
		    the	requested mode page(s) or page list.

		    -m page	Specify	the mode page to display.  This	option
				and the	-l option are mutually exclusive.  One
				of the two must	be  specified,	though.	  Mode
				page  numbers  may  be specified in decimal or

		    -l		Request	that the list of mode pages  supported
				by  the	 device	 be returned.  This option and
				the -m option are mutually exclusive.  One  of
				the two	must be	specified, though.

		    -P pc	Specify	the mode page control value.  Possible
				values are:
				0   Current values.
				1   Changeable value bitmask.
				2   Default values.
				3   Saved values.

		    -d		Disable	 block	descriptors  when  sending the
				mode sense request.

		    -S subpage	Specify	the subpage used with the  mode	 sense

		    -c cdbsize	Specify	 the  CDB size used for	the mode sense
				request.  Supported values are 6 and 10.

       start	    Send the SCSI START	STOP UNIT command to the specified LUN
		    with the start bit set.

		    -i	  Set the immediate bit	in the	CDB.   Note  that  CTL
			  does	not support the	immediate bit, so this is pri-
			  marily useful	for making sure	that CTL  returns  the
			  proper error.

       stop	    Send the SCSI START	STOP UNIT command to the specified LUN
		    with the start bit cleared.	 We use	an ordered tag to stop
		    the	LUN, so	we can guarantee that all pending I/O executes
		    before  it	is  stopped.  (CTL guarantees this anyway, but
		    ctladm sends an ordered tag	for completeness.)

		    -i	  Set the immediate bit	in the	CDB.   Note  that  CTL
			  does	not support the	immediate bit, so this is pri-
			  marily useful	for making sure	that CTL  returns  the
			  proper error.

       synccache    Send the SCSI SYNCHRONIZE CACHE command to the device.  By
		    default,  SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(10) is used.  If the specified
		    starting LBA is greater than 0xffffffff or the  length  is
		    greater than 0xffff, though, SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(16) will be
		    used.   The	 16 byte command will also be used if the user
		    specifies a	16 byte	CDB with the -c	argument.

		    -l lba	    Specify the	starting LBA of	the cache  re-
				    gion to synchronize.  This option is a no-
				    op	for  CTL.   If	you send a SYNCHRONIZE
				    CACHE command, it will sync	the cache  for
				    the	entire LUN.

		    -b blockcount   Specify  the length	of the cache region to
				    synchronize.  This option is a  no-op  for
				    CTL.  If you send a	SYNCHRONIZE CACHE com-
				    mand,  it  will sync the cache for the en-
				    tire LUN.

		    -r		    Specify relative addressing	for the	start-
				    ing	LBA.  CTL does	not  support  relative
				    addressing,	since it only works for	linked
				    commands,  and CTL does not	support	linked

		    -i		    Tell the target to return  status  immedi-
				    ately  after issuing the SYNCHRONIZE CACHE
				    command rather than	waiting	for the	 cache
				    to	finish	syncing.  CTL does not support
				    this bit.

		    -c cdbsize	    Specify the	minimum	CDB size.  Valid  val-
				    ues	are 10 and 16 bytes.

       lunlist	    List  all  LUNs registered with CTL.  Because this command
		    uses the ioctl port, it will  only	work  when  the	 FETDs
		    (Front  End	 Target	Drivers) are enabled.  This command is
		    the	equivalent of doing a REPORT LUNS on one LUN and  then
		    an INQUIRY on each LUN in the system.

       delay	    Delay  commands  at	 the  given  location.	 There are two
		    places where commands may  be  delayed  currently:	before
		    data is transferred	("datamove") and just prior to sending
		    status  to the host	("done").  One of the two must be sup-
		    plied as an	argument to the	-l option.  The	-t option must
		    also be specified.

		    -l delayloc	  Delay	command(s) at the specified  location.
				  This	can  either  be	 at  the data movement
				  stage	(datamove) or prior to command comple-
				  tion (done).

		    -t delaytime  Delay	command(s) for the specified number of
				  seconds.  This must be specified.  If	set to
				  0, it	will clear out any previously set  de-
				  lay  for  this particular location (datamove
				  or done).

		    -T delaytype  Specify the delay  type.   By	 default,  the
				  delay	 option	 will  delay  the next command
				  sent to the given LUN.  With the -T cont op-
				  tion,	every command will be delayed  by  the
				  specified  period  of	 time.	 With  the  -T
				  oneshot the next command sent	to  the	 given
				  LUN  will be delayed and all subsequent com-
				  mands	will be	completed normally.   This  is
				  the default.

       inject	    Inject  the	specified type of error	for the	LUN specified,
		    when a command that	matches	the  given  pattern  is	 seen.
		    The	 sense	data returned is in either fixed or descriptor
		    format, depending upon the status of the  D_SENSE  bit  in
		    the	control	mode page (page	0xa) for the LUN.

		    Errors  are	 only  injected	for commands that have not al-
		    ready failed for other  reasons.   By  default,  only  the
		    first  command  matching the pattern specified is returned
		    with the supplied error.

		    If the -c flag is specified,  all  commands	 matching  the
		    pattern  will  be  returned	with the specified error until
		    the	error injection	command	is deleted with	-d flag.

		    -i action	       Specify the error to return:

				       aborted	   Return  the	next  matching
						   command  on	the  specified
						   LUN	with  the  sense   key
						   ABORTED COMMAND (0x0b), and
						   the	  ASC/ASCQ   0x45,0x00
						   ("Select or reselect	 fail-

				       mediumerr   Return  the	next  matching
						   command  on	the  specified
						   LUN	 with  the  sense  key
						   MEDIUM ERROR	(0x03) and the
						   ASC/ASCQ 0x11,0x00  ("Unre-
						   covered  read  error")  for
						   reads,     or      ASC/ASCQ
						   0x0c,0x02  ("Write  error -
						   auto	reallocation  failed")
						   for write errors.

				       ua	   Return  the	next  matching
						   command  on	the  specified
						   LUN with the	sense key UNIT
						   ATTENTION  (0x06)  and  the
						   ASC/ASCQ 0x29,0x00  ("POWER
						   RESET OCCURRED").

				       custom	   Return  the	next  matching
						   command  on	the  specified
						   LUN with the	supplied sense
						   data.  The -s argument must
						   be specified.

		    -p pattern	       Specify which commands  should  be  re-
				       turned with the given error.

				       read	   The	error  should apply to
						   READ(6),	     READ(10),
						   READ(12), READ(16), etc.

				       write	   The	error  should apply to
						   WRITE(6),	    WRITE(10),
						   WRITE(12), WRITE(16), WRITE
						   AND VERIFY(10), etc.

				       rw	   The	error  should apply to
						   both	read  and  write  type

				       readcap	   The	error  should apply to
						   READ	CAPACITY(10) and  READ
						   CAPACITY(16)	commands.

				       tur	   The	error  should apply to
						   TEST	UNIT READY commands.

				       any	   The error should  apply  to
						   any command.

		    -r lba,len	       Specify	the starting lba and length of
				       the range of LBAs which should  trigger
				       an  error.  This	option is only applies
				       when read  and/or  write	 patterns  are
				       specified.   If used with other command
				       types, the error	will  never  be	 trig-

		    -s len fmt [args]  Specify	the  sense  data that is to be
				       returned	for custom  actions.   If  the
				       format  is `-', len bytes of sense data
				       will be read from  standard  input  and
				       written to the sense buffer.  If	len is
				       longer  than 252	bytes (the maximum al-
				       lowable SCSI  sense  data  length),  it
				       will  be	truncated to that length.  The
				       sense  data  format  is	described   in

		    -c		       The  error  injection should be persis-
				       tent, instead of	happening once.	  Per-
				       sistent errors must be deleted with the
				       -d argument.

		    -d delete_id       Delete  the  specified  error injection
				       serial number.  The  serial  number  is
				       returned	when the error is injected.

       port	    Perform  one of several CTL	frontend port operations.  Ei-
		    ther create	a new frontend port (-c), destroy  a  frontend
		    port  (-r),	 turn  one  or	more  frontends	 on or off (-o
		    on|off), or	set the	World Wide  Node  Name	(-w  wwnn)  or
		    World  Wide	 Port Name (-W wwpn) for a given port.	One of
		    -c,	-r, -o,	or -w or -W must be specified.	The  WWNN  and
		    WWPN may both be specified at the same time, but cannot be
		    combined with enabling/disabling or	listing	ports.

		    -c		  Create new frontend port.

		    -d driver	  Specify the name of the frontend driver used
				  by the (-c) or (-r) subcommands.  Valid dri-
				  ver  names  include  "ioctl",	 "iscsi",  and
				  "nvmf", but more can be  added  by  external
				  kernel modules.

		    -o on|off	  Turn	the specified CTL frontend ports on or
				  off.	If no port  number  or	port  type  is
				  specified, all ports are turned on or	off.

		    -O pp|vp	  Specify  generic  options on the ioctl fron-
				  tend port.  The list of  recognized  options
				  is  driver-dependent.	  The  "ioctl"	driver
				  recognizes "pp" and "vp".  The "iscsi"  dri-
				  ver  recongizes  "cfiscsi_portal_group_tag",
				  "cfiscsi_target",			   and
				  "cfiscsi_target_alias".   The	 "nvmf"	driver
				  recognizes	    "subnqn",	     "portid",
				  "max_io_qsize",  "enable_timeout", "ioccsz",
				  "nn",	and "serial".

		    -p targ_port  Specify the frontend port number.  The  port
				  numbers  can	be  found in the frontend port

		    -r		  Remove a port.

		    -t fe_type	  Specify the frontend type used by the	 (-o),
				  (-w),	 and  (-W) subcommands.	 Currently de-
				  fined	port types are "fc"  (Fibre  Channel),
				  "scsi"  (Parallel  SCSI), "ioctl" (CTL ioctl
				  interface), and "internal" (CTL CAM SIM).

		    -w wwnn	  Set the World	Wide Node Name for  the	 given
				  port.	  The  -p  argument must be specified,
				  since	this is	only possible to implement  on
				  a  single port.  As a	general	rule, the WWNN
				  should be the	same across all	ports  on  the

		    -W wwpn	  Set  the  World Wide Port Name for the given
				  port.	 The -p	argument  must	be  specified,
				  since	 this is only possible to implement on
				  a single port.  As a general rule, the  WWPN
				  must be different for	every port in the sys-

       portlist	    List CTL frontend ports.

		    -f frontend	  Specify the frontend type.

		    -i		  Report  target  and connected	initiators ad-

		    -l		  Report LUN mapping.

		    -p targ_port  Specify the frontend port number.

		    -q		  Omit the header in the port list output.

		    -v		  Enable verbose output	(report	all  port  op-

		    -x		  Output the port list in XML format.

       lunmap	    Change  LUN	 mapping for specified port.  If both pLUN and
		    cLUN are specified -- LUN will  be	mapped.	  If  pLUN  is
		    specified,	but  cLUN  is not -- LUN will be unmapped.  If
		    neither pLUN nor cLUN are specified	-- LUN mapping will be
		    disabled, exposing all CTL LUNs.

		    -p targ_port  Specify the frontend port number.

		    -l pLUN	  LUN number visible by	specified port.

		    -L cLUN	  CTL LUN number.

       dumpooa	    Dump the OOA (Order	Of Arrival) queue for each LUN	regis-
		    tered with CTL.

       dumpstructs  Dump the CTL structures to the console.

       create	    Create  a new LUN.	The backend must be specified, and de-
		    pending upon the backend requested,	some of	the other  op-
		    tions  may	be  required.	If the LUN is created success-
		    fully, the LUN configuration will be  displayed.   If  LUN
		    creation fails, a message will be displayed	describing the

		    -b backend	    The	 -b  flag is required.	This specifies
				    the	name backend to	use when creating  the
				    LUN.  Examples are "ramdisk" and "block".

		    -B blocksize    Specify  the  blocksize  of	the backend in

		    -d device_id    Specify the	LUN-associated string  to  use
				    in the SCSI	INQUIRY	VPD page 0x83 data.

		    -l lun_id	    Request  that  a  particular LUN number be
				    assigned.  If the requested	LUN number  is
				    not	available, the request will fail.

		    -o name=value   Specify   a	  backend-specific  name/value
				    pair.  Multiple -o arguments may be	speci-
				    fied.  Refer to the	backend	 documentation
				    for	arguments that may be used.

		    -s size_bytes   Specify  the  size	of  the	 LUN in	bytes.
				    Some backends may allow setting  the  size
				    (e.g.  the ramdisk backend)	and for	others
				    the	size may be implicit (e.g.  the	 block

		    -S serial_num   Specify  the  serial  number to be used in
				    the	SCSI INQUIRY VPD page 0x80 data.

		    -t device_type  Specify the	numeric	SCSI  device  type  to
				    use	 when  creating	the LUN.  If this flag
				    is not used, the type of  LUN  created  is
				    backend-specific.	Not  all LUN types are
				    supported.	Currently CTL supports	Direct
				    Access  (type  0),	Processor (type	3) and
				    CD/DVD (type 5)  LUNs.   The  backend  re-
				    quested  may or may	not support all	of the
				    LUN	types that CTL supports.

       remove	    Remove a LUN.  The backend must be specified, and the  LUN
		    number  must  also be specified.  Backend-specific options
		    may	also be	specified with the -o flag.

		    -b backend	    Specify the	backend	that owns the  LUN  to
				    be	removed.   Examples  are "ramdisk" and

		    -l lun_id	    Specify the	LUN number to remove.

		    -o name=value   Specify  a	 backend-specific   name/value
				    pair.  Multiple -o arguments may be	speci-
				    fied.   Refer to the backend documentation
				    for	arguments that may be used.

       modify	    Modify a LUN size.	The backend, the LUN number,  and  the
		    size must be specified.

		    -b backend	    Specify  the  backend that owns the	LUN to
				    be modified.  Examples are	"ramdisk"  and

		    -l lun_id	    Specify the	LUN number to modify.

		    -o name=value   Specify   a	  backend-specific  name/value
				    pair.  Multiple -o arguments may be	speci-
				    fied.  Refer to the	backend	 documentation
				    for	arguments that may be used.

		    -s size_bytes   Specify the	size of	the LUN	in bytes.  For
				    the	"block"	backend, an "auto" keyword may
				    be	passed instead;	this will make CTL use
				    the	size of	backing	file or	device.

       devlist	    Get	a list of all configured LUNs.	This also includes the
		    LUN	size and blocksize, serial number and device ID.

		    -b backend	 Specify the backend.  This restricts the  LUN
				 list  to  the	named  backend.	  Examples are
				 "ramdisk" and "block".

		    -v		 Be verbose.  This will	also display any back-
				 end-specific LUN attributes  in  addition  to
				 the standard per-LUN information.

		    -x		 Dump  the  raw	XML.  The LUN list information
				 from the kernel comes in XML format, and this
				 option	allows the  display  of	 the  raw  XML
				 data.	 This option and the -v	and -b options
				 are mutually exclusive.  If you  specify  -x,
				 the  entire  LUN database is displayed	in XML

       islist	    Get	a list of currently running iSCSI sessions.  This  in-
		    cludes  initiator  and target names	and the	unique connec-
		    tion IDs.

		    -v		 Verbose mode.

		    -x		 Dump the raw XML.  The	sessions list informa-
				 tion from the kernel comes in XML format, and
				 this option allows the	display	of the raw XML

       islogout	    Ask	the initiator to log out iSCSI sessions	matching  cri-

		    -a		 Log out all sessions.

		    -c		 Specify connection ID.

		    -i		 Specify initiator name.

		    -p		 Specify  initiator portal (hostname or	IP ad-

       isterminate  Forcibly terminate iSCSI sessions matching criteria.

		    -a		 Terminate all sessions.

		    -c		 Specify connection ID.

		    -i		 Specify initiator name.

		    -p		 Specify initiator portal (hostname or IP  ad-

       help	    Display ctladm usage information.

       Number  of  additional configuration options may	be specified for LUNs.
       Some options are	global,	others are backend-specific.

       Global options:

       vendor	     Specifies LUN vendor string up to 8 chars.

       product	     Specifies LUN product string up to	16 chars.

       revision	     Specifies LUN revision string up to 4 chars.

       scsiname	     Specifies LUN SCSI	name string.

       eui	     Specifies LUN EUI-64 identifier.

       naa	     Specifies LUN NAA identifier.

       uuid	     Specifies LUN locally assigned RFC	4122 UUID  identifier.
		     EUI, NAA or UUID identifier should	be set to UNIQUE value
		     to	 allow	EXTENDED  COPY	command	 access	the LUN.  Non-
		     unique LUN	identifiers may	lead to	data corruption.  Some
		     initiators	may not	support	later introduced UUID  identi-

       ident_info    Specified	LUN identification information (string or 0x +

		     Specified	LUN  text  identification  information	(UTF-8

       ha_role	     Setting  to  "primary"  or	 "secondary" overrides default
		     role   of	 the   node   in   HA	 cluster,    set    by sysctl.

       insecure_tpc  Setting to	"on" allows EXTENDED COPY command sent to this
		     LUN access	other LUNs on this host, not accessible	other-
		     wise.   This  allows to offload copying between different
		     iSCSI targets residing on the same	host in	trusted	 envi-

       readcache     Set  to "off", disables read caching for the LUN, if sup-
		     ported by the backend.

       readonly	     Set to "on", blocks all media  write  operations  to  the
		     LUN, reporting it as write	protected.

       removable     Set to "on", makes	LUN removable.

       reordering    Set  to "unrestricted", allows target to process commands
		     with SIMPLE task attribute	in arbitrary order.  Any  data
		     integrity	exposures  related  to	command	sequence order
		     shall be explicitly handled  by  the  application	client
		     through  the  selection  of appropriate commands and task
		     attributes.  The default value is "restricted".   It  im-
		     proves  data integrity, but may introduce some additional

       serseq	     Set to "on" to fully serialize consecutive	 reads/writes.
		     Set  to "read" to fully serialize consecutive reads.  Set
		     to	"soft" to slightly serialize consecutive  reads.   Set
		     to	 "off"	to allow them be issued	in parallel.  Parallel
		     issue of consecutive operations may confuse logic of  the
		     backing  file system, hurting performance;	but it may im-
		     prove   performance    of	  backing    stores    without


       pblockoffset  Specify physical block size and offset of the device.


       ublockoffset  Specify UNMAP block size and offset of the	device.

       rpm	     Specifies	medium	rotation  rate of the device: 0	-- not
		     reported, 1 -- non-rotating (SSD),	>1024 -- value in rev-
		     olutions per minute.

       formfactor    Specifies nominal form factor of the device: 0 -- not re-
		     ported, 1 -- 5.25", 2 -- 3.5", 3 -- 2.5", 4 -- 1.8", 5 --
		     less then 1.8".


		     Specify current and reference (maximum)  temperatures  of
		     the device.

		     When UNMAP	support	is enabled, this option	specifies pro-
		     visioning type: "resource", "thin"	or "unknown".  Default
		     value is "thin".  Logical units without UNMAP support are
		     reported as fully provisioned.

       unmap	     Setting  to  "on" or "off"	controls UNMAP support for the
		     logical unit.  Default value is "on" if supported by  the


		     Specify maximum allowed number of LBAs and	block descrip-
		     tors  per	UNMAP  command	to  report in Block Limits VPD

		     Specify maximum allowed number of	LBAs  per  WRITE  SAME
		     command to	report in Block	Limits VPD page.




		     Set per-LUN/-pool thin provisioning soft thresholds.  LUN
		     will  establish  UNIT  ATTENTION condition	if its or pool
		     available space get below configured avail	values,	or its
		     or	pool used space	 get  above  configured	 used  values.
		     Pool thresholds are working only for ZVOL-backed LUNs.

       writecache    Set to "off", disables write caching for the LUN, if sup-
		     ported by the backend.

       Options specific	for block backend:

       file	     Specifies file or device name to use for backing store.

       num_threads   Specifies number of backend threads to use	for this LUN.

       Options specific	for ramdisk backend:

       capacity	     Specifies	capacity  of  backing  store  (maximum RAM for
		     data).  The default value is zero,	that disables  backing
		     store  completely,	making all writes go to	nowhere, while
		     all reads return zeroes.

       Send a SCSI TEST	UNIT READY command to LUN 1.

	     ctladm tur	1

       Display the list	of mode	pages supported	by LUN 1.

	     ctladm modesense 1	-l

       Display the saved version of the	Control	mode page (page	10) on LUN  0.
       Disable	fetching  block	descriptors, and use a 10 byte MODE SENSE com-
       mand instead of the default 6 byte command.

	     ctladm modesense 0	-m 10 -P 3 -d -c 10

       Read the	first 512 byte block from LUN 2	and dump it to the file

	     ctladm read 2 -l 0	-d 1 -b	512 -f - > foo

       Read 10240 bytes	from the file /tmp/bar and write it to LUN 3.	start-
       ing at LBA 0xff432140.

	     ctladm write 3 -l 0xff432140 -d 20	-b 512 -f /tmp/bar

       Create  a LUN with the "fake" ramdisk as	a backing store.  The LUN will
       claim to	have a size of approximately 10	 terabytes,  while  having  no
       real data store (all written data are lost).

	     ctladm create -b ramdisk -s 10485760000000000

       Create  a  thin provisioned LUN with a ramdisk as a backing store.  The
       LUN will	have maximal backing store capacity of 10 gigabytes, while re-
       porting size of 10 terabytes,

	     ctladm create -b ramdisk -s 10T -o	capacity=10G

       Create  a  LUN  using  the  block  backend,  specify  the  ZFS	volume
       tank/example  as	 the backing store, and	specify	the SCSI VPD page 0x80
       and 0x83	serial number (-S) and device ID (-d).	The size  of  the  LUN
       will be derived from the	size of	the ZVOL.

	     ctladm   create   -b   block  -o  file=/dev/zvol/tank/example  -S
	     MYSERIAL321 -d MYDEVID123

       Use to specify generic options on ioctl frontend	port, now it  is  only
       possible	to set pp and/or vp port number.

	     ctladm port -c -O pp=11 -O	vp=12

       Remove specified	targ_port.

	     ctladm port -r -p 4

       Remove LUN 12, which is handled by the block backend, from the system.

	     ctladm remove -b block -l 12

       List configured LUNs in the system, along with their backend and	serial
       number.	 This  works  when the Front End Target	Drivers	are enabled or

	     ctladm devlist

       List all	LUNs in	the system, along with their inquiry data  and	device
       type.   This  only works	when the FETDs are enabled, since the commands
       go through the ioctl port.

	     ctladm lunlist

       Inject a	medium error on	LUN 6 for every	read that covers the first 512
       blocks of the LUN.

	     ctladm inject 6 -i	mediumerr -p read -r 0,512 -c

       Inject a	custom error on	LUN 6 for the next  TEST  UNIT	READY  command
       only.   This  will  result  in  a sense key of NOT READY	(0x02),	and an
       ASC/ASCQ	of 0x04,0x02 ("Logical unit not	 ready,	 initializing  command

	     ctladm inject 6 -i	custom -p tur -s 18 "f0	0 02 s12 04 02"

       cam(3),	 cam_cdbparse(3),   cam(4),   ctl(4),  xpt(4),	camcontrol(8),
       ctld(8),	ctlstat(8)

       The ctladm utility was originally written during	the  Winter/Spring  of
       2003 as an interface to CTL.

       Ken Merry <>

FreeBSD	13.2			 June 6, 2024			     CTLADM(8)


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