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curs_memleaks(3X)		 Library calls		     curs_memleaks(3X)

       exit_curses, exit_terminfo - check for memory leaks in curses

       #include	<curses.h>
       void exit_curses(int code);

       #include	<term.h>
       void exit_terminfo(int code);

       /* deprecated (intentionally not	declared in curses.h or	term.h)	*/
       void _nc_freeall(void);
       void _nc_free_and_exit(int code);
       void _nc_free_tinfo(int code);

       These  functions	 are  used to simplify analysis	of memory leaks	in the
       ncurses library.

       Any implementation of curses must not free the memory associated	with a
       screen, since (even after calling endwin(3X)), it must be available for
       use in the next call to refresh(3X).  There are also chunks  of	memory
       held for	performance reasons.  That makes it hard to analyze curses ap-
       plications  for	memory leaks.  When using the specially	configured de-
       bugging version of the ncurses library, applications can	call functions
       which free those	chunks of memory, simplifying the process  of  memory-
       leak checking.

       Some  of	 the functions are named with a	"_nc_" prefix because they are
       not intended for	use in the non-debugging library:

	    This frees (almost)	all of the memory allocated by ncurses.

	    This frees the memory allocated by ncurses (like _nc_freeall), and
	    exits the program.	It is preferred	over _nc_freeall since some of
	    that memory	may be required	to keep	the application	running.  Sim-
	    ply	exiting	(with the given	exit-code) is safer.

	    Use	this function if only the low-level  terminfo  functions  (and
	    corresponding library) are used.  Like _nc_free_and_exit, it exits
	    the	program	after freeing memory.

       The  functions  prefixed	"_nc" are normally not available; they must be
       configured into the library at build time using the --disable-leaks op-
       tion.  That compiles-in code that frees memory that normally would  not
       be freed.

       The  exit_curses	and exit_terminfo functions call _nc_free_and_exit and
       _nc_free_tinfo if the library  is  configured  to  support  memory-leak
       checking.   If  the  library  is	 not configured	to support memory-leak
       checking, they simply call exit.

       These functions do not return a value.

       These functions are not part of X/Open Curses; nor do other implementa-
       tions of	curses provide a similar feature.

       In any implementation of	X/Open Curses, an application can free part of
       the memory allocated by curses:

          The portable	part of	exit_curses  can  be  freed  using  delscreen,
	   passing the SCREEN pointer returned by newterm.

	   In  some implementations, there is a	global variable	sp which could
	   be used, e.g., if the screen	were only initialized using initscr.

          The portable	part of	exit_terminfo can be freed using del_curterm.

	   In this case, there is a global variable cur_term which can be used
	   as parameter.

       curses(3X), curs_initscr(3X), curs_terminfo(3X)

ncurses	6.5			  2024-03-16		     curs_memleaks(3X)


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