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CXGBE(4)		    Kernel Interfaces Manual		      CXGBE(4)

       cxgbe  --  Chelsio  T4-,	T5-, and T6-based 100Gb, 40Gb, 25Gb, 10Gb, and
       1Gb Ethernet adapter driver

       To compile this driver into the kernel, place the  following  lines  in
       your kernel configuration file:

	     device cxgbe

       To  load	the driver as a	module at boot time, place the following lines
       in loader.conf(5):


       The cxgbe driver	provides support for  PCI  Express  Ethernet  adapters
       based on	the Chelsio Terminator 4, Terminator 5,	and Terminator 6 ASICs
       (T4,  T5,  and T6).  The	driver supports	Jumbo Frames, Transmit/Receive
       checksum	offload, TCP segmentation offload (TSO), Large Receive Offload
       (LRO), VLAN tag insertion/extraction, VLAN checksum offload, VLAN  TSO,
       VXLAN  checksum	offload,  VXLAN	 TSO, and Receive Side Steering	(RSS).
       For further hardware information	and questions related to hardware  re-
       quirements, see

       The  cxgbe driver uses different	names for devices based	on the associ-
       ated ASIC:

	     ASIC    Port Name	  Parent Device	   Virtual Interface
	     T4	     cxgbe	  t4nex		   vcxgbe
	     T5	     cxl	  t5nex		   vcxl
	     T6	     cc		  t6nex		   vcc

       Loader tunables with the	hw.cxgbe prefix	apply to all cards.  The  dri-
       ver  provides  sysctl  MIBs for both ports and parent devices using the
       names above.  For example,  a  T5  adapter  provides  port  MIBs	 under
       dev.cxl	and  adapter-wide  MIBs	under dev.t5nex.  References to	sysctl
       MIBs in the remainder of	this page use dev.<port>  for  port  MIBs  and
       dev.<nexus> for adapter-wide MIBs.

       For more	information on configuring this	device,	see ifconfig(8).

       The cxgbe driver	supports 100Gb and 25Gb	Ethernet adapters based	on the
       T6 ASIC:

          Chelsio T6225-CR
          Chelsio T6225-SO-CR
          Chelsio T62100-LP-CR
          Chelsio T62100-SO-CR
          Chelsio T62100-CR

       The cxgbe driver	supports 40Gb, 10Gb and	1Gb Ethernet adapters based on
       the T5 ASIC:

          Chelsio T580-CR
          Chelsio T580-LP-CR
          Chelsio T580-LP-SO-CR
          Chelsio T560-CR
          Chelsio T540-CR
          Chelsio T540-LP-CR
          Chelsio T522-CR
          Chelsio T520-LL-CR
          Chelsio T520-CR
          Chelsio T520-SO
          Chelsio T520-BT
          Chelsio T504-BT

       The  cxgbe  driver supports 10Gb	and 1Gb	Ethernet adapters based	on the
       T4 ASIC:

          Chelsio T420-CR
          Chelsio T422-CR
          Chelsio T440-CR
          Chelsio T420-BCH
          Chelsio T440-BCH
          Chelsio T440-CH
          Chelsio T420-SO
          Chelsio T420-CX
          Chelsio T420-BT
          Chelsio T404-BT

       Tunables	can be set at the loader(8) prompt before booting  the	kernel
       or  stored in loader.conf(5).  There are	multiple tunables that control
       the number of queues of various types.  A negative  value  for  such  a
       tunable	instructs the driver to	create up to that many queues if there
       are enough CPU cores available.

	       Number of NIC tx	queues used for	a port.	 The default is	16  or
	       the number of CPU cores in the system, whichever	is less.

	       Number  of  NIC rx queues used for a port.  The default is 8 or
	       the number of CPU cores in the system, whichever	is less.

	       Number of TOE tx	queues used for	a port.	 The default is	 8  or
	       the number of CPU cores in the system, whichever	is less.

	       Number  of  TOE rx queues used for a port.  The default is 2 or
	       the number of CPU cores in the system, whichever	is less.

	       Number of virtual interfaces (VIs) created for each port.  Each
	       virtual interface creates a separate  network  interface.   The
	       first virtual interface on each port is required	and represents
	       the  primary network interface on the port.  Additional virtual
	       interfaces on a port are	named using the	Virtual	Interface name
	       from the	table above.  Additional virtual interfaces use	a sin-
	       gle pair	of queues for rx and tx	as well	an additional pair  of
	       queues for TOE rx and tx.  The default is 1.


	       Timer  index value used to delay	interrupts.  The holdoff timer
	       list has	the values 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, and 200 by default  (all
	       values  are in microseconds) and	the index selects a value from
	       this list.  holdoff_timer_idx_ofld applies to queues  used  for
	       TOE  rx.	 The default value is 1	which means the	timer value is
	       5us.  Different interfaces can be assigned different values  at
	       any    time    via    the    dev.<port>.X.holdoff_tmr_idx   and
	       dev.<port>.X.holdoff_tmr_idx_ofld sysctls.


	       Packet-count index value	used to	delay interrupts.  The packet-
	       count list has the values 1, 8, 16, and 32 by default, and  the
	       index  selects  a  value	from this list.	 holdoff_pktc_idx_ofld
	       applies to queues used for TOE rx.  The	default	 value	is  -1
	       which means packet counting is disabled and interrupts are gen-
	       erated  based solely on the holdoff timer value.	 Different in-
	       terfaces	  can	be   assigned	different   values   via   the
	       dev.<port>.X.holdoff_pktc_idx	   and	    dev.<port>.X.hold-
	       off_pktc_idx_ofld sysctls.  These sysctls work  only  when  the
	       interface has never been	marked up (as done by ifconfig up).

	       Number  of  entries  in	a transmit queue's descriptor ring.  A
	       buf_ring	of the same size  is  also  allocated  for  additional
	       software	 queuing.   See	 ifnet(9).  The	default	value is 1024.
	       Different interfaces can	be assigned different values  via  the
	       dev.<port>.X.qsize_txq sysctl.  This sysctl works only when the
	       interface has never been	marked up (as done by ifconfig up).

	       Number  of  entries  in a receive queue's descriptor ring.  The
	       default value is	1024.  Different interfaces  can  be  assigned
	       different  values  via the dev.<port>.X.qsize_rxq sysctl.  This
	       sysctl works only when the interface has	never been  marked  up
	       (as done	by ifconfig up).

	       Permitted  interrupt types.  Bit	0 represents INTx (line	inter-
	       rupts), bit 1 MSI, and bit 2 MSI-X.  The	default	is 7 (all  al-
	       lowed).	 The  driver selects the best possible type out	of the
	       allowed types.

	       PCIe Relaxed Ordering.  -1 indicates the	driver	should	deter-
	       mine whether to enable or disable PCIe RO.  0 disables PCIe RO.
	       1  enables  PCIe	 RO.  2	indicates the driver should not	modify
	       the PCIe	RO setting.  The default is -1.

	       0 prohibits the driver from installing a	firmware on the	 card.
	       1  allows the driver to install a new firmware if internal dri-
	       ver heuristics indicate that the	new firmware is	preferable  to
	       the  one	already	on the card.  2	instructs the driver to	always
	       install the new firmware	on the card as long as it is  compati-
	       ble with	the driver and is a different version than the one al-
	       ready on	the card.  The default is 1.

	       Number  of  padding  bytes  inserted before the beginning of an
	       Ethernet	frame in the receive buffer.  The default value	is  0.
	       A  value	 of  2 would ensure that the Ethernet payload (usually
	       the IP header) is at a 4	byte aligned  address.	 0-7  are  all
	       valid values.

	       A non-zero value	ensures	that writes from the hardware to a re-
	       ceive  buffer are padded	up to the specified boundary.  The de-
	       fault is	-1 which lets the driver pick a	pad boundary.  0  dis-
	       ables trailer padding completely.

	       Controls	the hardware response to congestion.  -1 disables con-
	       gestion feedback	and is not recommended.	 0 instructs the hard-
	       ware  to	backpressure its pipeline on congestion.  This usually
	       results in the port emitting PAUSE  frames.   1	instructs  the
	       hardware	 to  drop frames destined for congested	queues.	 2 in-
	       structs the hardware to both backpressure the pipeline and drop

	       PAUSE frame settings.  Bit 0 is rx_pause, bit  1	 is  tx_pause,
	       bit 2 is	pause_autoneg.	rx_pause = 1 instructs the hardware to
	       heed  incoming  PAUSE  frames,  0  instructs it to ignore them.
	       tx_pause	= 1 allows the hardware	to emit	PAUSE frames when  its
	       receive FIFO reaches a high threshold, 0	prohibits the hardware
	       from  emitting  PAUSE  frames.  pause_autoneg = 1 overrides the
	       rx_pause	and tx_pause bits and instructs	the hardware to	 nego-
	       tiate PAUSE settings with the link peer.	 The default is	7 (all
	       three  =	 1).   This tunable establishes	the default PAUSE set-
	       tings for all ports.  Settings can be displayed and  controlled
	       on a per-port basis via the dev.<port>.X.pause_settings sysctl.

	       Forward	Error  Correction settings.  -1	(default) means	driver
	       should automatically pick a  value.   0	disables  FEC.	 Finer
	       grained	control	 can  be  achieved by setting individual bits.
	       Bit 0 enables RS	FEC, bit 1 enables BASE-R  FEC	(aka  Firecode
	       FEC),  bit  2 enables NO	FEC, and bit 6 enables the FEC that is
	       recommended by the transceiver/cable that is plugged in.	 These
	       bits can	be set together	in any combination.  This tunable  es-
	       tablishes the default FEC settings for all ports.  Settings can
	       be  controlled  on  a  per-port	basis via the dev.<port>
	       quested_fec sysctl.  The	FEC in use on the link is available in
	       dev.<port>.X.link_fec when the link is up.

	       Link autonegotiation settings.  This  tunable  establishes  the
	       default	autonegotiation	 settings for all ports.  Settings can
	       be displayed  and  controlled  on  a  per-port  basis  via  the
	       dev.<port>.X.autoneg  sysctl.   0  disables autonegotiation.  1
	       enables autonegotiation.	 The default is	-1 which lets the dri-
	       ver pick	a value.  dev.<port>.X.autoneg is -1 for port and mod-
	       ule combinations	that do	not support autonegotiation.

	       Allow the hardware to deliver multiple frames in	the  same  re-
	       ceive  buffer  opportunistically.  The default is -1 which lets
	       the driver decide.  0 or	1 explicitly disable  or  enable  this


	       Sizes  of rx clusters.  Each of these must be set to one	of the
	       sizes available (usually	 2048,	4096,  9216,  and  16384)  and
	       largest_rx_cluster   must   be	greater	  than	 or  equal  to
	       safest_rx_cluster.  The defaults	are  16384  and	 4096  respec-
	       tively.	The driver never attempts to allocate a	receive	buffer
	       larger  than  largest_rx_cluster	 and  falls back to allocating
	       buffers of safest_rx_cluster size if an allocation larger  than
	       safest_rx_cluster  fails.   Note	that largest_rx_cluster	merely
	       establishes a ceiling --	the  driver  is	 allowed  to  allocate
	       buffers of smaller sizes.

	       Select  a pre-packaged device configuration file.  A configura-
	       tion file contains a recipe for	partitioning  and  configuring
	       the  hardware  resources	on the card.  This tunable is for spe-
	       cialized	applications only and should not be used in normal op-
	       eration.	 The configuration profile currently in	use is	avail-
	       able in the dev.<nexus> and	dev.<nexus>.X.cfcsum sysctls.






	       Disallowing  capabilities  provides  a  hint  to	the driver and
	       firmware	to not reserve hardware	resources  for	that  feature.
	       Each of these is	a bit field with a bit for each	sub-capability
	       within  the capability.	This tunable is	for specialized	appli-
	       cations only and	should not be used in normal  operation.   The
	       capabilities  for  which	 hardware resources have been reserved
	       are listed in dev.<nexus>.X.*caps sysctls.

	       Setting this to 1 instructs the driver to use VM	work  requests
	       to  transmit  data.  This lets PF interfaces transmit frames to
	       VF interfaces over the internal switch in the ASIC.  Note  that
	       the cxgbev(4) VF	driver always uses VM work requests and	is not
	       affected	by this	tunable.  The default value is 0 and should be
	       changed	only  if PF and	VF interfaces need to communicate with
	       each other.  Different interfaces  can  be  assigned  different
	       values  using  the dev.<port>.X.tx_vm_wr	sysctl when the	inter-
	       face is administratively	down.

	       Set to 1	to enable the "attack filter".	Default	is 0.  The at-
	       tack filter will	drop an	incoming frame if any of these	condi-
	       tions  is true: src ip/ip6 == dst ip/ip6; tcp and src/dst ip is
	       not unicast; src/dst ip is loopback (127.x.y.z);	src ip6	is not
	       unicast;	src/dst	 ip6  is  loopback  (::1/128)  or  unspecified
	       (::/128); tcp and src/dst ip6 is	mcast (ff00::/8).  This	facil-
	       ity is available	on T4 and T5 based cards only.

	       Set  to	1  to  drop  all incoming IP fragments.	 Default is 0.
	       Note that this drops valid frames.

	       Set to 1	to drop	incoming frames	with Layer 2 length or	check-
	       sum errors.  Default is 1.

	       Set  to	1  to drop incoming frames with	IP version, length, or
	       checksum	errors.	 The IP	checksum is validated for TCP  or  UDP
	       packets only.  Default is 0.

	       Set  to	1  to  drop  incoming frames with Layer	4 (TCP or UDP)
	       length, checksum, or other errors.  Default is 0.

       For general information and support, go to the Chelsio support  website

       If  an  issue  is identified with this driver with a supported adapter,
       email  all  the	specific  information  related	 to   the   issue   to

       arp(4),	 ccr(4),   cxgb(4),   cxgbev(4),   netintro(4),	  ng_ether(4),

       The cxgbe device	driver first appeared in FreeBSD 9.0.  Support for  T5
       cards  first  appeared in FreeBSD 9.2 and FreeBSD 10.0.	Support	for T6
       cards first appeared in FreeBSD 11.1 and	FreeBSD	12.0.

       The cxgbe driver	was written by Navdeep Parhar <>.

FreeBSD	13.2		       November	10, 2022		      CXGBE(4)


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