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EXTATTR(2)		      System Calls Manual		    EXTATTR(2)

       extattr_delete_fd,	extattr_delete_file,	  extattr_delete_link,
       extattr_get_fd,	extattr_get_file,  extattr_get_link,  extattr_list_fd,
       extattr_list_file, extattr_list_link, extattr_set_fd, extattr_set_file,
       extattr_set_link	-- system calls	to manipulate VFS extended attributes

       Standard	C Library (libc, -lc)

       #include	<sys/types.h>
       #include	<sys/extattr.h>

       extattr_delete_fd(int fd, int attrnamespace, const char *attrname);

       extattr_delete_file(const     char     *path,	 int	attrnamespace,
	   const char *attrname);

       extattr_delete_link(const    char     *path,	int	attrnamespace,
	   const char *attrname);

       extattr_get_fd(int   fd,	  int  attrnamespace,  const  char  *attrname,
	   void	*data, size_t nbytes);

       extattr_get_file(const	  char	   *path,      int	attrnamespace,
	   const char *attrname, void *data, size_t nbytes);

       extattr_get_link(const	   char	     *path,	int	attrnamespace,
	   const char *attrname, void *data, size_t nbytes);

       extattr_list_fd(int fd, int attrnamespace, void *data, size_t nbytes);

       extattr_list_file(const char  *path,  int  attrnamespace,  void	*data,
	   size_t nbytes);

       extattr_list_link(const	char  *path,  int  attrnamespace,  void	*data,
	   size_t nbytes);

       extattr_set_fd(int  fd,	int  attrnamespace,  const   char   *attrname,
	   const void *data, size_t nbytes);

       extattr_set_file(const	   char	     *path,	int	attrnamespace,
	   const char *attrname, const void *data, size_t nbytes);

       extattr_set_link(const	  char	   *path,      int	attrnamespace,
	   const char *attrname, const void *data, size_t nbytes);

       Named  extended	attributes are meta-data associated with vnodes	repre-
       senting files and directories.  They exist as "name=value" pairs	within
       a set of	namespaces.

       The extattr_get_file() system call retrieves the	value of the specified
       extended	attribute into a buffer	pointed	to by  data  of	 size  nbytes.
       The  extattr_set_file() system call sets	the value of the specified ex-
       tended	attribute   to	 the   data   described	   by	 data.	   The
       extattr_delete_file() system call deletes the extended attribute	speci-
       fied.   The extattr_list_file() returns a list of attributes present in
       the requested namespace.	 Each list entry consists  of  a  single  byte
       containing  the length of the attribute name, followed by the attribute
       name.  The attribute name is not	terminated  by	ASCII  0  (nul).   The
       extattr_get_file()  and	extattr_list_file() calls consume the data and
       nbytes arguments	in the style of	read(2);  extattr_set_file()  consumes
       these arguments in the style of write(2).

       If data is NULL in a call to extattr_get_file() and extattr_list_file()
       then  the  size	of  defined  extended attribute	data will be returned,
       rather than the quantity	read, permitting applications to test the size
       of the data without  performing	a  read.   The	extattr_delete_link(),
       extattr_get_link(),  and	 extattr_set_link() system calls behave	in the
       same way	as their _file counterparts, except that they  do  not	follow

       The   extattr_get_fd(),	 extattr_delete_fd(),  extattr_list_fd(),  and
       extattr_set_fd()	calls are identical to their "_file" counterparts  ex-
       cept  for the first argument.  The "_fd"	functions take a file descrip-
       tor, while the "_file" functions	take a path.  Both arguments  describe
       a  file	associated  with the extended attribute	that should be manipu-
       lated.  The "_fd" functions can be used with  file  descriptors	opened
       with the	O_PATH flag.

       The  following  arguments  are common to	all the	system calls described

       attrnamespace  the namespace in which the extended  attribute  resides;
		      see extattr(9)

       attrname	      the name of the extended attribute

       Named extended attribute	semantics vary by file system implementing the
       call.   Not all operations may be supported for a particular attribute.
       Additionally, the format	of the data in data is attribute-specific.

       For  more  information  on  named  extended  attributes,	  please   see

       If     successful,     the     extattr_get_fd(),	   extattr_get_file(),
       extattr_get_link(),	 extattr_list_fd(),	  extattr_list_file(),
       extattr_list_link(),    extattr_set_fd(),    extattr_set_file(),	   and
       extattr_set_link() calls	return the number of bytes that	were  read  or
       written	 from	the  data,  respectively.   If	data  was  NULL,  then
       extattr_get_fd(),	extattr_get_file(),	   extattr_get_link(),
       extattr_list_fd(),  extattr_list_file(),	and extattr_list_link()	return
       the number of bytes available to	read.  If any of the calls are	unsuc-
       cessful,	 the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno	is set
       to indicate the error.

       The extattr_delete_file() function returns the value 0  if  successful;
       otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno	is set
       to indicate the error.

       The  following  errors  may be returned by the system calls themselves.
       Additionally, the file system implementing  the	call  may  return  any
       other errors it desires.

       [EFAULT]		  The  attrnamespace  and  attrname  arguments,	or the
			  memory range defined by data and nbytes  point  out-
			  side the process's allocated address space.

       [ENAMETOOLONG]	  The	  attribute	name	 was	longer	  than

       The  extattr_get_fd(),	extattr_set_fd(),   extattr_delete_fd(),   and
       extattr_list_fd() system	calls may also fail if:

       [EBADF]		  The file descriptor referenced by fd was invalid.

       Additionally,	the    extattr_get_file(),   extattr_set_file(),   and
       extattr_delete_file() calls may also fail due to	the following errors:

       [ENOATTR]	  The requested	attribute was  not  defined  for  this

       [ENOTDIR]	  A component of the path prefix is not	a directory.

       [ENAMETOOLONG]	  A  component	of a pathname exceeded 255 characters,
			  or an	entire path name exceeded 1023 characters.

       [ENOENT]		  A component of the path name that  must  exist  does
			  not exist.

       [EACCES]		  Search  permission  is denied	for a component	of the
			  path prefix.

       extattr(3),	 getextattr(8),	      setextattr(8),	   extattr(9),

       Extended	 attribute  support  was  developed  as	part of	the TrustedBSD
       Project,	and introduced in FreeBSD 5.0.	It was	developed  to  support
       security	 extensions  requiring additional labels to be associated with
       each file or directory.

       This interface is under active development, and as such is  subject  to
       change  as applications are adapted to use it.  Developers are discour-
       aged from relying on its	stability.

       In earlier versions of this API,	passing	an empty string	 for  the  at-
       tribute	  name	  to	extattr_get_fd(),    extattr_get_file(),    or
       extattr_get_link() would	return the list	of attributes defined for  the
       target object.  This interface has been deprecated in preference	to us-
       ing the explicit	list API, and should not be used.

FreeBSD	13.2		       October 11, 2021			    EXTATTR(2)


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