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FFCLOCK(2)		      System Calls Manual		    FFCLOCK(2)

       ffclock_getcounter,  ffclock_getestimate,  ffclock_setestimate  --  Re-
       trieve feed-forward counter, get	and set	feed-forward clock estimates

       Standard	C Library (libc, -lc)

       #include	<sys/timeffc.h>

       ffclock_getcounter(ffcounter *ffcount);

       ffclock_getestimate(struct ffclock_estimate *cest);

       ffclock_setestimate(struct ffclock_estimate *cest);

       The ffclock is an alternative method to synchronise the	system	clock.
       The  ffclock implements a feed-forward paradigm and decouples the time-
       stamping	and timekeeping	kernel	functions.   This  ensures  that  past
       clock  errors  do not affect current timekeeping, an approach radically
       different from the feedback alternative implemented by the ntpd	daemon
       when  adjusting the system clock.  The feed-forward approach has	demon-
       strated better performance and higher robustness	than  a	 feedback  ap-
       proach when synchronising over the network.

       In  the	feed-forward context, a	timestamp is a cumulative value	of the
       ticks of	the timecounter, which can be converted	into seconds by	 using
       the feed-forward	clock estimates.

       The  ffclock_getcounter() system	call allows the	calling	process	to re-
       trieve the current value	of the feed-forward counter maintained by  the

       The  ffclock_getestimate() and ffclock_setestimate() system calls allow
       the caller to get and set the kernel's feed-forward clock parameter es-
       timates respectively.  The ffclock_setestimate()	system call should  be
       invoked	by a single instance of	a feed-forward synchronisation daemon.
       The ffclock_getestimate() system	call can be called by any  process  to
       retrieve	the feed-forward clock estimates.

       The  feed-forward approach does not require that	the clock estimates be
       retrieved every time a timestamp	is to be converted into	seconds.   The
       number  of system calls can therefore be	greatly	reduced	if the calling
       process retrieves the clock estimates from  the	clock  synchronisation
       daemon  instead.	 The ffclock_getestimate() must	be used	when the feed-
       forward synchronisation daemon is not running (see "USAGE" below).

       The clock parameter estimates structure pointed to by cest  is  defined
       in <sys/timeffc.h> as:

       struct ffclock_estimate {
	       struct bintime update_time;    /* Time of last estimates	update.	*/
	       ffcounter      update_ffcount; /* Counter value at last update. */
	       ffcounter      leapsec_next;   /* Counter value of next leap second. */
	       uint64_t	      period;	      /* Estimate of counter period. */
	       uint32_t	      errb_abs;	      /* Bound on absolute clock error [ns]. */
	       uint32_t	      errb_rate;      /* Bound on counter rate error [ps/s]. */
	       uint32_t	      status;	      /* Clock status. */
	       int16_t	      leapsec_total;  /* All leap seconds seen so far. */
	       int8_t	      leapsec;	      /* Next leap second (in {-1,0,1}). */

       Only the	super-user may set the feed-forward clock estimates.

       Upon  successful	 completion,  the  value  0 is returned; otherwise the
       value -1	is returned and	the global variable errno is set  to  indicate
       the error.

       The following error codes may be	set in errno:

       [EFAULT]		  The  ffcount or cest pointer referenced invalid mem-

       [EPERM]		  A user other than the	super-user  attempted  to  set
			  the feed-forward clock parameter estimates.

       The  feed-forward  paradigm enables the definition of specialised clock

       In its simplest form, ffclock_getcounter() can  be  used	 to  establish
       strict order between events or to measure small time intervals very ac-
       curately	with a minimum performance cost.

       Different  methods exist	to access absolute time	(or "wall-clock	time")
       tracked by the ffclock. The simplest method uses	the ffclock sysctl in-
       terface kern.ffclock to make the	system clock return the	ffclock	 time.
       The  clock_gettime(2) system call can then be used to retrieve the cur-
       rent time seen by the feed-forward clock.  Note that this  setting  af-
       fects  the entire system	and that a feed-forward	synchronisation	daemon
       should be running.

       A less automated	method consists	of retrieving the feed-forward counter
       timestamp from the kernel and using the	feed-forward  clock  parameter
       estimates  to  convert  the  timestamp  into seconds.  The feed-forward
       clock parameter estimates can be	retrieved from the kernel or from  the
       synchronisation	daemon	directly (preferred).  This method allows con-
       verting timestamps using	different clock	models as needed by the	appli-
       cation, while collecting	meaningful upper bounds	on current  clock  er-

       date(1),	adjtime(2), clock_gettime(2), ctime(3)

       Feed-forward clock support first	appeared in FreeBSD 10.0.

       The   feed-forward   clock   support   was  written  by	Julien	Ridoux
       <>	  in   collaboration   with   Darryl	Veitch
       <>	 at the	University of Melbourne	under sponsor-
       ship from the FreeBSD Foundation.

FreeBSD	13.2		       November	21, 2011		    FFCLOCK(2)


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