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FSTAB(5)		      File Formats Manual		      FSTAB(5)

       fstab --	static information about the file systems

       #include	<fstab.h>

       The  file fstab contains	descriptive information	about the various file
       systems.	 fstab is only read by programs, and not written;  it  is  the
       duty  of	 the system administrator to properly create and maintain this
       file.  Each file	system is described on a separate line;	fields on each
       line are	separated by tabs or spaces.  The order	of records in fstab is
       important because fsck(8), mount(8), and	umount(8) sequentially iterate
       through fstab doing their thing.

       The first field,	(fs_spec), describes the special device	or remote file
       system to be mounted.  The contents  are	 decoded  by  the  strunvis(3)
       function.   This	 allows	 using spaces or tabs in the device name which
       would be	interpreted as field separators	otherwise.

       The second field, (fs_file), describes the mount	 point	for  the  file
       system.	For swap partitions, this field	should be specified as "none".
       The contents are	decoded	by the strunvis(3) function, as	above.

       The  third  field, (fs_vfstype),	describes the type of the file system.
       The system can support various file system types.  Only the root, /usr,
       and /tmp	file systems need be  statically  compiled  into  the  kernel;
       everything  else	 will  be automatically	loaded at mount	time.  (Excep-
       tion: the FFS cannot currently be demand-loaded.)   Some	 people	 still
       prefer to statically compile other file systems as well.

       The  fourth  field, (fs_mntops),	describes the mount options associated
       with the	file system.  It is formatted as a comma separated list	of op-
       tions.  It contains at least the	type of	mount (see fs_type below) plus
       any additional options appropriate to the file system  type.   See  the
       options	flag  (-o)  in	the mount(8) page and the file system specific
       page, such as mount_nfs(8), for additional options that may  be	speci-
       fied.   All options that	can be given to	the file system	specific mount
       commands	can be used in fstab as	well.  They just need to be  formatted
       a  bit differently.  The	arguments of the -o option can be used without
       the preceding -o	flag.  Other options need both the  file  system  spe-
       cific  flag and its argument, separated by an equal sign.  For example,
       mounting	an msdosfs(5) filesystem, the options

	     -o	sync -o	noatime	-m 644 -M 755 -u foo -g	bar

       should be written as


       in the option field of fstab.

       If the options "userquota" and/or "groupquota" are specified, the  file
       system  is  automatically  processed  by	the quotacheck(8) command, and
       user and/or group disk quotas are enabled with quotaon(8).  By default,
       file system  quotas  are	 maintained  in	 files	named  quota.user  and  which  are located at the root of the associated file sys-
       tem.  These defaults may	be overridden by putting an equal sign and  an
       alternative absolute pathname following the quota option.  Thus,	if the
       user  quota file	for /tmp is stored in /var/quotas/tmp.user, this loca-
       tion can	be specified as:


       If the option "failok" is specified, the	system will ignore  any	 error
       which  happens  during the mount	of that	filesystem, which would	other-
       wise cause the system to	drop into single user mode.   This  option  is
       implemented  by the mount(8) command and	will not be passed to the ker-

       If the option "noauto" is specified, the	file system will not be	 auto-
       matically  mounted at system startup.  Note that, for network file sys-
       tems of third party types (i.e.,	types supported	by additional software
       not included in the base	system)	to be automatically mounted at	system
       startup,	 the extra_netfs_types rc.conf(5) variable must	be used	to ex-
       tend the	rc(8) startup script's list of network file system types.

       If the option "late" is specified, the file system  will	 be  automati-
       cally  mounted  at  a stage of system startup after remote mount	points
       are mounted.  For more detail about this	option,	see the	mount(8)  man-
       ual page.

       If the option "update" is specified, it indicates that the status of an
       already	mounted	 file  system should be	changed	accordingly.  This al-
       lows, for example, file systems mounted read-only to be upgraded	 read-
       write  and  vice-versa.	 By  default, an entry corresponding to	a file
       systems that is already mounted is going	to be skipped over  when  pro-
       cessing fstab, unless it's a root file system, in which case logic sim-
       ilar to "update"	is applied automatically.

       The  "update"  option  is  typically used in conjunction	with two fstab
       files.  The first fstab file is used to set up the initial set of  file
       systems.	  The  second fstab file is then run to	update the initial set
       of file systems and to add additional file systems.

       The type	of the mount is	extracted from the fs_mntops field and	stored
       separately  in  the fs_type field (it is	not deleted from the fs_mntops
       field).	If fs_type is "rw" or "ro" then	the file system	whose name  is
       given  in the fs_file field is normally mounted read-write or read-only
       on the specified	special	file.

       If fs_type is "sw" then the special file	is made	available as  a	 piece
       of  swap	space by the swapon(8) command at the end of the system	reboot
       procedure.  For swap devices, the keyword "trimonce" triggers  the  de-
       livery  of  a BIO_DELETE	command	to the device.	This command marks the
       device's	blocks as unused, except those that might store	a disk	label.
       This  marking can erase a crash dump.  To delay swapon for a device un-
       til after savecore has copied the crash dump to another	location,  use
       the  "late"  option.  For vnode-backed swap spaces, "file" is supported
       in the fs_mntops	field.	When fs_spec is	an md(4) device	file ("md"  or
       "md[0-9]*")  and	 "file"	is specified in	fs_mntopts, an md(4) device is
       created with the	specified file used as backing store, and then the new
       device is used as swap space.  Swap entries on .eli devices will	 cause
       automatic   creation  of	 encrypted  devices.   The  "ealgo",  "aalgo",
       "keylen", "notrim", and "sectorsize" options may	be passed  to  control
       those  geli(8)  parameters.   The fields	other than fs_spec and fs_type
       are unused.  If fs_type is specified as	"xx"  the  entry  is  ignored.
       This is useful to show disk partitions which are	currently unused.

       The  fifth  field,  (fs_freq),  is  used	 for these file	systems	by the
       dump(8) command to determine which file systems need to be dumped.   If
       the  fifth  field  is not present, a value of zero is returned and dump
       will assume that	the file system	does not need to be  dumped.   If  the
       fifth field is greater than 0, then it specifies	the number of days be-
       tween dumps for this file system.

       The  sixth field, (fs_passno), is used by the fsck(8) and quotacheck(8)
       programs	to determine the order in which	file system and	 quota	checks
       are  done at reboot time.  The fs_passno	field can be any value between
       0 and `INT_MAX-1'.

       The root	file system should be specified	with a	fs_passno  of  1,  and
       other  file  systems  should  have a fs_passno of 2 or greater.	A file
       system with a fs_passno value of	1 is always checked  sequentially  and
       be  completed  before  another file system is processed,	and it will be
       processed before	all file systems with a	larger fs_passno.

       For any given value of fs_passno, file systems within a drive  will  be
       checked	sequentially,  but  file  systems  on different	drives will be
       checked at the same time	to utilize parallelism available in the	 hard-
       ware.   Once  all  file	system	checks	are  complete  for the current
       fs_passno, the same process will	start over for the next	fs_passno.

       If the sixth field is not present or is zero, a value of	 zero  is  re-
       turned  and  fsck(8) and	quotacheck(8) will assume that the file	system
       does not	need to	be checked.

       The fs_passno field can be used to implement  finer  control  when  the
       system  utilities  may determine	that the file system resides on	a dif-
       ferent physical device, when it actually	does not, as with a ccd(4) de-
       vice.  All file systems with a lower fs_passno value will be  completed
       before  starting	 on  file systems with a higher	fs_passno value.  E.g.
       all file	systems	with a fs_passno of 2 will  be	completed  before  any
       file  systems  with  a fs_passno	of 3 or	greater	are started.  Gaps are
       allowed between the different  fs_passno	 values.   E.g.	 file  systems
       listed  in  /etc/fstab  may  have fs_passno values such as 0, 1,	2, 15,
       100, 200, 300, and may appear in	any order within /etc/fstab.

       #define FSTAB_RW	       "rw"    /* read/write device */
       #define FSTAB_RQ	       "rq"    /* read/write with quotas */
       #define FSTAB_RO	       "ro"    /* read-only device */
       #define FSTAB_SW	       "sw"    /* swap device */
       #define FSTAB_XX	       "xx"    /* ignore totally */

       struct fstab {
	       char    *fs_spec;       /* block	special	device name */
	       char    *fs_file;       /* file system path prefix */
	       char    *fs_vfstype;    /* File system type, ufs, nfs */
	       char    *fs_mntops;     /* Mount	options	ala -o */
	       char    *fs_type;       /* FSTAB_* from fs_mntops */
	       int     fs_freq;	       /* dump frequency, in days */
	       int     fs_passno;      /* pass number on parallel fsck */

       The proper way to read records  from  fstab  is	to  use	 the  routines
       getfsent(3), getfsspec(3), getfstype(3),	and getfsfile(3).

       /etc/fstab  The file fstab resides in /etc.

       # Device	       Mountpoint      FStype  Options	       Dump    Pass#
       # UFS file system.
       /dev/da0p2      /	       ufs     rw	       1       1
       # Swap space on a block device.
       /dev/da0p1      none	       swap    sw	       0       0
       # Swap space using a block device with GBDE/GELI	encryption.
       # aalgo,	ealgo, keylen, sectorsize options are available
       # for .eli devices.
       /dev/da1p1.bde  none	       swap    sw	       0       0
       /dev/da1p2.eli  none	       swap    sw	       0       0
       # tmpfs.
       tmpfs	       /tmp	       tmpfs   rw,size=1g,mode=1777    0 0
       # UFS file system on a swap-backed md(4).  /dev/md10 is
       # automatically created.	 If it is "md",	a unit number
       # will be automatically selected.
       md10	       /scratch	       mfs     rw,-s1g	       0       0
       # Swap space on a vnode-backed md(4).
       md11	       none	       swap    sw,file=/swapfile       0 0
       # CDROM.	 "noauto" option is typically used because the
       # media is removable.
       /dev/cd0	       /cdrom	       cd9660  ro,noauto       0       0
       # NFS-exported file system.  "serv" is an NFS server name
       # or IP address.
       serv:/export    /nfs	       nfs     rw,noinet6      0       0

       getfsent(3),  getvfsbyname(3),  strunvis(3),  ccd(4), dump(8), fsck(8),
       geli(8),	mount(8), quotacheck(8), quotaon(8), swapon(8),	umount(8)

       The fstab file format appeared in 4.0BSD.

FreeBSD	13.2			April 14, 2014			      FSTAB(5)


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