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NV(9)			   Kernel Developer's Manual			 NV(9)

       nvlist_create,	 nvlist_destroy,    nvlist_error,    nvlist_set_error,
       nvlist_empty, nvlist_flags, nvlist_exists,  nvlist_free,	 nvlist_clone,
       nvlist_dump,  nvlist_fdump,  nvlist_size,  nvlist_pack,	nvlist_unpack,
       nvlist_send, nvlist_recv,  nvlist_xfer,	nvlist_in_array,  nvlist_next,
       nvlist_add,  nvlist_move, nvlist_get, nvlist_take, nvlist_append	-- li-
       brary for name/value pairs

       Name/value pairs	library	(libnv,	-lnv)

       #include	<sys/nv.h>

       nvlist_t	*
       nvlist_create(int flags);

       nvlist_destroy(nvlist_t *nvl);

       nvlist_error(const nvlist_t *nvl);

       nvlist_set_error(nvlist_t *nvl, int error);

       nvlist_empty(const nvlist_t *nvl);

       nvlist_flags(const nvlist_t *nvl);

       nvlist_in_array(const nvlist_t *nvl);

       nvlist_t	*
       nvlist_clone(const nvlist_t *nvl);

       nvlist_dump(const nvlist_t *nvl,	int fd);

       nvlist_fdump(const nvlist_t *nvl, FILE *fp);

       nvlist_size(const nvlist_t *nvl);

       void *
       nvlist_pack(const nvlist_t *nvl,	size_t *sizep);

       nvlist_t	*
       nvlist_unpack(const void	*buf, size_t size, int flags);

       nvlist_send(int sock, const nvlist_t *nvl);

       nvlist_t	*
       nvlist_recv(int sock, int flags);

       nvlist_t	*
       nvlist_xfer(int sock, nvlist_t *nvl, int	flags);

       const char *
       nvlist_next(const nvlist_t *nvl,	int *typep, void **cookiep);

       nvlist_exists(const nvlist_t *nvl, const	char *name);

       nvlist_exists_type(const	nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name, int type);

       nvlist_exists_null(const	nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_exists_bool(const	nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_exists_number(const nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_exists_string(const nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_exists_nvlist(const nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_exists_descriptor(const nvlist_t *nvl, const char	*name);

       nvlist_exists_binary(const nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_exists_bool_array(const nvlist_t *nvl, const char	*name);

       nvlist_exists_number_array(const	nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_exists_string_array(const	nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_exists_nvlist_array(const	nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_exists_descriptor_array(const nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_add_null(nvlist_t	*nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_add_bool(nvlist_t	*nvl, const char *name,	bool value);

       nvlist_add_number(nvlist_t *nvl,	const char *name, uint64_t value);

       nvlist_add_string(nvlist_t *nvl,	const char *name, const	char *value);

       nvlist_add_stringf(nvlist_t	*nvl,	   const      char	*name,
	   const char *valuefmt, ...);

       nvlist_add_stringv(nvlist_t	*nvl,	   const      char	*name,
	   const char *valuefmt, va_list valueap);

       nvlist_add_nvlist(nvlist_t      *nvl,	  const	     char	*name,
	   const nvlist_t *value);

       nvlist_add_descriptor(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name, int value);

       nvlist_add_binary(nvlist_t  *nvl,  const	char *name, const void *value,
	   size_t size);

       nvlist_add_bool_array(nvlist_t	  *nvl,	    const     char	*name,
	   const bool *value, size_t nitems);

       nvlist_add_number_array(nvlist_t	    *nvl,     const	char	*name,
	   const uint64_t *value, size_t nitems);

       nvlist_add_string_array(nvlist_t	   *nvl,     const     char	*name,
	   const char *	const *	value, size_t nitems);

       nvlist_add_nvlist_array(nvlist_t	    *nvl,     const	char	*name,
	   const nvlist_t * const * value, size_t nitems);

       nvlist_add_descriptor_array(nvlist_t   *nvl,    const	char	*name,
	   const int *value, size_t nitems);

       nvlist_move_string(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name, char	*value);

       nvlist_move_nvlist(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name, nvlist_t *value);

       nvlist_move_descriptor(nvlist_t *nvl, const char	*name, int value);

       nvlist_move_binary(nvlist_t   *nvl,  const  char	 *name,	 void  *value,
	   size_t size);

       nvlist_move_bool_array(nvlist_t *nvl, const char	 *name,	 bool  *value,
	   size_t nitems);

       nvlist_move_number_array(nvlist_t     *nvl,     const	char	*name,
	   uint64_t *value, size_t nitems);

       nvlist_move_string_array(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name, char **value,
	   size_t nitems);

       nvlist_move_nvlist_array(nvlist_t    *nvl,    const     char	*name,
	   nvlist_t **value, size_t nitems);

       nvlist_move_descriptor_array(nvlist_t	*nvl,	 const	 char	*name,
	   int *value, size_t nitems);

       nvlist_get_bool(const nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_get_number(const nvlist_t	*nvl, const char *name);

       const char *
       nvlist_get_string(const nvlist_t	*nvl, const char *name);

       const nvlist_t *
       nvlist_get_nvlist(const nvlist_t	*nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_get_descriptor(const nvlist_t *nvl, const	char *name);

       const void *
       nvlist_get_binary(const	  nvlist_t    *nvl,    const	char	*name,
	   size_t *sizep);

       const bool *
       nvlist_get_bool_array(const    nvlist_t	 *nvl,	 const	 char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       const uint64_t *
       nvlist_get_number_array(const  nvlist_t	 *nvl,	 const	 char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       const char * const *
       nvlist_get_string_array(const   nvlist_t	  *nvl,	  const	  char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       const nvlist_t *	const *
       nvlist_get_nvlist_array(const  nvlist_t	 *nvl,	 const	 char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       const int *
       nvlist_get_descriptor_array(const  nvlist_t  *nvl,  const  char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       const nvlist_t *
       nvlist_get_parent(const nvlist_t	*nvl, void **cookiep);

       const nvlist_t *
       nvlist_get_array_next(const nvlist_t *nvl);

       const nvlist_t *
       nvlist_get_pararr(const nvlist_t	*nvl, void **cookiep);

       nvlist_take_bool(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_take_number(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       char *
       nvlist_take_string(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_t	*
       nvlist_take_nvlist(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_take_descriptor(nvlist_t *nvl, const char	*name);

       void *
       nvlist_take_binary(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name, size_t *sizep);

       bool *
       nvlist_take_bool_array(nvlist_t	   *nvl,     const     char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       uint64_t	**
       nvlist_take_number_array(nvlist_t     *nvl,     const	char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       char **
       nvlist_take_string_array(nvlist_t    *nvl,    const     char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       nvlist_t	**
       nvlist_take_nvlist_array(nvlist_t     *nvl,     const	char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       int *
       nvlist_take_descriptor_array(nvlist_t   *nvl,   const	char	*name,
	   size_t *nitems);

       nvlist_append_bool_array(nvlist_t     *nvl,     const	char	*name,
	   const bool value);

       nvlist_append_number_array(nvlist_t    *nvl,    const	char	*name,
	   const uint64_t value);

       nvlist_append_string_array(nvlist_t    *nvl,    const	char	*name,
	   const char *	const value);

       nvlist_append_nvlist_array(nvlist_t    *nvl,    const	char	*name,
	   const nvlist_t * const value);

       nvlist_append_descriptor_array(nvlist_t	 *nvl,	 const	 char	*name,
	   int value);

       nvlist_free(nvlist_t *nvl, const	char *name);

       nvlist_free_type(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name, int type);

       nvlist_free_null(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_free_bool(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_free_number(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_free_string(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_free_nvlist(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_free_descriptor(nvlist_t *nvl, const char	*name);

       nvlist_free_binary(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_free_bool_array(nvlist_t *nvl, const char	*name);

       nvlist_free_number_array(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_free_string_array(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_free_nvlist_array(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       nvlist_free_descriptor_array(nvlist_t *nvl, const char *name);

       The libnv library allows	to easily manage name value pairs as  well  as
       send and	receive	them over sockets.  A group (list) of name value pairs
       is called an nvlist.  The API supports the following data types:

	     null (NV_TYPE_NULL)
	     There is no data associated with the name.

	     bool (NV_TYPE_BOOL)
	     The value can be either true or false.

	     number (NV_TYPE_NUMBER)
	     The value is a number stored as uint64_t.

	     string (NV_TYPE_STRING)
	     The value is a C string.

	     nvlist (NV_TYPE_NVLIST)
	     The value is a nested nvlist.

	     descriptor	(NV_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR)
	     The  value	 is a file descriptor.	Note that file descriptors can
	     be	sent only over unix(4) domain sockets.

	     binary (NV_TYPE_BINARY)
	     The value is a binary buffer.

	     bool array	(NV_TYPE_BOOL_ARRAY)
	     The value is an array of boolean values.

	     number array (NV_TYPE_NUMBER_ARRAY)
	     The value is an array of numbers, each stored as uint64_t.

	     string array (NV_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY)
	     The value is an array of C	strings.

	     nvlist array (NV_TYPE_NVLIST_ARRAY)
	     The value is an array of nvlists.	When an	nvlist is added	to  an
	     array,  it	 becomes part of the primary nvlist.  Traversing these
	     arrays  can  be  done  using  the	 nvlist_get_array_next()   and
	     nvlist_get_pararr() functions.

	     descriptor	array (NV_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR_ARRAY)
	     The value is an array of files descriptors.

       The  nvlist_create()  function  allocates  memory  and  initializes  an

       The following flag can be provided:

	     NV_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE  Perform case-insensitive lookups of provided
	     NV_FLAG_NO_UNIQUE	  Names	in  the	 nvlist	 do  not  have	to  be

       The nvlist_destroy() function destroys the given	nvlist.	 Function does
       nothing	if NULL	nvlist is provided.  Function never modifies the errno
       global variable.

       The nvlist_error() function returns any error value that	the nvlist ac-
       cumulated.  If the given	nvlist is NULL the ENOMEM error	 will  be  re-

       The  nvlist_set_error()	function  sets	an  nvlist  to be in the error
       state.  Subsequent calls	to nvlist_error() will return the given	 error
       value.	This  function cannot be used to clear the error state from an
       nvlist.	This function does nothing if the nvlist is already in the er-
       ror state.

       The nvlist_empty() function returns true	if the given nvlist  is	 empty
       and false otherwise.  The nvlist	must not be in error state.

       The  nvlist_flags()  function  returns  flags used to create the	nvlist
       with the	nvlist_create()	function.

       The nvlist_in_array() function returns true if nvl is part of an	 array
       that is a member	of another nvlist.

       The nvlist_clone() functions clones the given nvlist.  The clone	shares
       no  resources  with its origin.	This also means	that all file descrip-
       tors that are part of the nvlist	will be	 duplicated  with  the	dup(2)
       system call before placing them in the clone.

       The  nvlist_dump()  dumps  nvlist content for debugging purposes	to the
       given file descriptor fd.

       The nvlist_fdump() dumps	nvlist content for debugging purposes  to  the
       given file stream fp.

       The  nvlist_size()  function returns the	size of	the given nvlist after
       converting it to	binary buffer with the nvlist_pack() function.

       The nvlist_pack() function  converts  the  given	 nvlist	 to  a	binary
       buffer.	 The function allocates	memory for the buffer, which should be
       freed with the free(3) function.	 If the	sizep argument	is  not	 NULL,
       the size	of the buffer will be stored there.  The function returns NULL
       in  case	 of an error (allocation failure).  If the nvlist contains any
       file descriptors	NULL will be returned.	The nvlist must	not be in  er-
       ror state.

       The  nvlist_unpack()  function converts the given buffer	to the nvlist.
       The flags argument defines what type of the top	level  nvlist  is  ex-
       pected to be.  Flags are	set up using the nvlist_create() function.  If
       the  nvlist flags do not	match the flags	passed to nvlist_unpack(), the
       nvlist will not be  returned.   Every  nested  nvlist  list  should  be
       checked	using  nvlist_flags()  function.  The function returns NULL in
       case of an error.

       The nvlist_send() function sends	the given nvlist over the socket given
       by the sock argument.  Note that	nvlist that contains file  descriptors
       can only	be send	over unix(4) domain sockets.

       The nvlist_recv() function receives nvlist over the socket given	by the
       sock  argument.	 The flags argument defines what type of the top level
       nvlist is expected to be.  Flags	are set	up using  the  nvlist_create()
       function.   If  the  nvlist  flags  do  not  match  the flags passed to
       nvlist_recv(), the nvlist will not be returned.	 Every	nested	nvlist
       list should be checked using nvlist_flags() function.

       The nvlist_xfer() function sends	the given nvlist over the socket given
       by  the	sock  argument	and receives nvlist over the same socket.  The
       flags argument defines what type	of the top level nvlist	is expected to
       be.  Flags are set up  using  the  nvlist_create()  function.   If  the
       nvlist flags do not match the flags passed to nvlist_xfer(), the	nvlist
       will not	be returned.  Every nested nvlist list should be checked using
       nvlist_flags() function.	 The given nvlist is always destroyed.

       The  nvlist_next()  function  iterates  over the	given nvlist returning
       names and types of subsequent elements.	The  cookiep  argument	allows
       the  function to	figure out which element should	be returned next.  The
       *cookiep	should be set to NULL for the first call  and  should  not  be
       changed	later.	Returning NULL means there are no more elements	on the
       nvlist.	The typep argument can be NULL.	 Elements may not  be  removed
       from  the  nvlist while traversing it.  The nvlist must not be in error
       state.  Note that nvlist_next() will handle cookiep being set to	 NULL.
       In  this	 case  first  element  is returned or NULL if nvlist is	empty.
       This behavior simplifies	removing the first element from	the list.

       The nvlist_exists() function returns true if element of the given  name
       exists  (besides	 of its	type) or false otherwise.  The nvlist must not
       be in error state.

       The nvlist_exists_type()	function returns true if element of the	 given
       name and	the given type exists or false otherwise.  The nvlist must not
       be in error state.

       The nvlist_exists_null(), nvlist_exists_bool(), nvlist_exists_number(),
       nvlist_exists_string(),			       nvlist_exists_nvlist(),
       nvlist_exists_descriptor(),		       nvlist_exists_binary(),
       nvlist_exists_bool_array(),		 nvlist_exists_number_array(),
       nvlist_exists_string_array(),		 nvlist_exists_nvlist_array(),
       nvlist_exists_descriptor_array()	 functions  return  true if element of
       the given name and the given type determined by the function  name  ex-
       ists or false otherwise.	 The nvlist must not be	in error state.

       The    nvlist_add_null(),    nvlist_add_bool(),	  nvlist_add_number(),
       nvlist_add_string(),    nvlist_add_stringf(),	 nvlist_add_stringv(),
       nvlist_add_nvlist(),    nvlist_add_descriptor(),	  nvlist_add_binary(),
       nvlist_add_bool_array(),			    nvlist_add_number_array(),
       nvlist_add_string_array(),		    nvlist_add_nvlist_array(),
       nvlist_add_descriptor_array()  functions	 add  element  to  the	 given
       nvlist.	 When  adding string or	binary buffer the functions will allo-
       cate memory and copy the	data over.  When  adding  nvlist,  the	nvlist
       will  be	 cloned	 and clone will	be added.  When	adding descriptor, the
       descriptor will be duplicated using the dup(2) system call and the  new
       descriptor  will	 be added.  The	array functions	will fail if there are
       any NULL	elements in the	array, or if the array pointer is NULL.	 If an
       error occurs while adding new element, internal error is	set which  can
       be examined using the nvlist_error() function.

       The	       nvlist_move_string(),		 nvlist_move_nvlist(),
       nvlist_move_descriptor(),			 nvlist_move_binary(),
       nvlist_move_bool_array(),		   nvlist_move_number_array(),
       nvlist_move_string_array(),		   nvlist_move_nvlist_array(),
       nvlist_move_descriptor_array()  functions  add new element to the given
       nvlist, but unlike nvlist_add_<type>() functions	they will consume  the
       given  resource.	 In the	case of	strings, descriptors, or nvlists every
       elements	must be	unique,	or it could cause a double  free.   The	 array
       functions  will	fail  if  there	are any	NULL elements, or if the array
       pointer is NULL.	 If an error occurs while adding new element, the  re-
       source is destroyed and internal	error is set which can be examined us-
       ing the nvlist_error() function.

       The    nvlist_get_bool(),   nvlist_get_number(),	  nvlist_get_string(),
       nvlist_get_nvlist(),   nvlist_get_descriptor(),	  nvlist_get_binary(),
       nvlist_get_bool_array(),			    nvlist_get_number_array(),
       nvlist_get_string_array(),		    nvlist_get_nvlist_array(),
       nvlist_get_descriptor_array()  functions	 return	 the value that	corre-
       sponds to the given key name.  In the case  of  strings,	 nvlists,  de-
       scriptors, binary, or arrays, the returned resource should not be modi-
       fied  -	they  still  belong to the nvlist.  If an element of the given
       name does not exist, the	program	will be	aborted.  To avoid  this,  the
       caller  should check for	the existence of the name before trying	to ob-
       tain the	value, or use the dnvlist(3) extension,	which  can  provide  a
       default value in	the case of a missing element.	The nvlist must	not be
       in error	state.

       The  nvlist_get_parent()	 function  returns  the	 parent	 nvlist	of the
       nested nvlist.

       The nvlist_get_array_next() function returns the	next element from  the
       array  or NULL if the nvlist is not in array or it is the last element.
       Note that nvlist_get_array_next() only works if you  added  the	nvlist
       array using the nvlist_move_nvlist_array() or nvlist_add_nvlist_array()

       The nvlist_get_pararr() function	returns	the next element in the	array,
       or if not available the parent of the nested nvlist.

       The   nvlist_take_bool(),  nvlist_take_number(),	 nvlist_take_string(),
       nvlist_take_nvlist(),  nvlist_take_descriptor(),	 nvlist_take_binary(),
       nvlist_take_bool_array(),		   nvlist_take_number_array(),
       nvlist_take_string_array(),		   nvlist_take_nvlist_array(),
       nvlist_take_descriptor_array()  functions  return value associated with
       the given name and remove the element from  the	nvlist.	  In  case  of
       string  and  binary values, the caller is responsible for free returned
       memory using the	free(3)	function.  In case of nvlist,  the  caller  is
       responsible  for	 destroying returned nvlist using the nvlist_destroy()
       function.  In case of descriptor, the caller is responsible for closing
       returned	descriptor using the close(2) system call.  If an  element  of
       the  given  name	does not exist,	the program will be aborted.  To avoid
       that the	caller should check for	the existence of the given name	before
       trying to obtain	the value, or use the dnvlist(3) extension, which  can
       provide	a default value	in the case of a missing element.  In the case
       of an array of strings or binary	values,	the caller is responsible  for
       freeing	every element of the array using the free(3) function.	In the
       case of an array	of nvlists, the	caller is responsible  for  destroying
       every  element  of  array  using	the nvlist_destroy() function.	In the
       case of descriptors, the	caller is responsible for closing  every  ele-
       ment  of	array using the	close(2) system	call.  In every	case involving
       an array, the caller must also free the pointer to the array using  the
       free(3) function.  The nvlist must not be in error state.

       The	nvlist_append_bool_array(),	 nvlist_append_number_array(),
       nvlist_append_string_array(),		 nvlist_append_nvlist_array(),
       nvlist_append_descriptor_array()	functions append an element to the ex-
       isting  array  using  the same semantics	as the add functions (i.e. the
       element will be copied when applicable).	 If the	array for a given  key
       does   not   exist,   then   it	 will  be  created  as	if  using  the
       nvlist_add_<type>_array() function.  The	internal error is set  on  ap-
       pend failure.

       The  nvlist_free()  function removes element of the given name from the
       nvlist (besides of its type) and	frees all  resources  associated  with
       it.   If	 element of the	given name does	not exist, the program will be
       aborted.	 The nvlist must not be	in error state.

       The nvlist_free_type() function removes element of the given  name  and
       the  given type from the	nvlist and frees all resources associated with
       it.  If element of the given name and the given type  does  not	exist,
       the program will	be aborted.  The nvlist	must not be in error state.

       The   nvlist_free_null(),   nvlist_free_bool(),	 nvlist_free_number(),
       nvlist_free_string(),  nvlist_free_nvlist(),  nvlist_free_descriptor(),
       nvlist_free_binary(),			     nvlist_free_bool_array(),
       nvlist_free_number_array(),		   nvlist_free_string_array(),
       nvlist_free_nvlist_array(),   nvlist_free_descriptor_array()  functions
       remove element of the given name	and the	given type determined  by  the
       function	 name  from  the nvlist	and free all resources associated with
       it.  If element of the given name and the given type  does  not	exist,
       the program will	be aborted.  The nvlist	must not be in error state.

       The  nvlist_pack()  and nvlist_unpack() functions handle	the byte-order
       conversions, so the binary buffer can be	packed/unpacked	by  the	 hosts
       with the	different endianness.

       The following example demonstrates how to prepare an nvlist and send it
       over unix(4) domain socket.

       nvlist_t	*nvl;
       int fd;

       fd = open("/tmp/foo", O_RDONLY);
       if (fd <	0)
	       err(1, "open(\"/tmp/foo\") failed");

       nvl = nvlist_create(0);
	* There	is no need to check if nvlist_create() succeeded,
	* as the nvlist_add_<type>() functions can cope.
	* If it	failed,	nvlist_send() will fail.
       nvlist_add_string(nvl, "filename", "/tmp/foo");
       nvlist_add_number(nvl, "flags", O_RDONLY);
	* We just want to send the descriptor, so we can give it
	* for the nvlist to consume (that's why	we use nvlist_move
	* not nvlist_add).
       nvlist_move_descriptor(nvl, "fd", fd);
       if (nvlist_send(sock, nvl) < 0) {
	       err(1, "nvlist_send() failed");

       Receiving nvlist	and getting data:

       nvlist_t	*nvl;
       const char *command;
       char *filename;
       int fd;

       nvl = nvlist_recv(sock, 0);
       if (nvl == NULL)
	       err(1, "nvlist_recv() failed");

       /* For command we take pointer to nvlist's buffer. */
       command = nvlist_get_string(nvl,	"command");
	* For filename we remove it from the nvlist and	take
	* ownership of the buffer.
       filename	= nvlist_take_string(nvl, "filename");
       /* The same for the descriptor. */
       fd = nvlist_take_descriptor(nvl,	"fd");

       printf("command=%s filename=%s fd=%d0, command, filename, fd);

       /* command was freed by nvlist_destroy()	*/

       Iterating over nvlist:

       nvlist_t	*nvl;
       const char *name;
       void *cookie;
       int type;

       nvl = nvlist_recv(sock, 0);
       if (nvl == NULL)
	       err(1, "nvlist_recv() failed");

       cookie =	NULL;
       while ((name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie))	!= NULL) {
	       printf("%s=", name);
	       switch (type) {
	       case NV_TYPE_NUMBER:
		       printf("%ju", (uintmax_t)nvlist_get_number(nvl, name));
	       case NV_TYPE_STRING:
		       printf("%s", nvlist_get_string(nvl, name));

       Iterating over every nested nvlist:

       nvlist_t	*nvl;
       const char *name;
       void *cookie;
       int type;

       nvl = nvlist_recv(sock, 0);
       if (nvl == NULL)
	       err(1, "nvlist_recv() failed");

       cookie =	NULL;
       do {
	       while ((name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie))	!= NULL) {
		       if (type	== NV_TYPE_NVLIST) {
			       nvl = nvlist_get_nvlist(nvl, name);
			       cookie =	NULL;
       } while ((nvl = nvlist_get_parent(nvl, &cookie))	!= NULL);

       Iterating over every nested nvlist and every nvlist element:

       nvlist_t	*nvl;
       const nvlist_t *	const *array;
       const char *name;
       void *cookie;
       int type;

       nvl = nvlist_recv(sock, 0);
       if (nvl == null)
	       err(1, "nvlist_recv() failed");

       cookie =	null;
       do {
	       while ((name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie))	!= NULL) {
		       if (type	== NV_TYPE_NVLIST) {
			       nvl = nvlist_get_nvlist(nvl, name);
			       cookie =	NULL;
		       } else if (type == NV_TYPE_NVLIST_ARRAY)	{
			       nvl = nvlist_get_nvlist_array(nvl, name,	NULL)[0];
			       cookie =	NULL;
       } while ((nvl = nvlist_get_pararr(nvl, &cookie))	!= NULL);

       Or alternatively:

       nvlist_t	*nvl, *tmp;
       const nvlist_t *	const *array;
       const char *name;
       void *cookie;
       int type;

       nvl = nvlist_recv(sock, 0);
       if (nvl == null)
	       err(1, "nvlist_recv() failed");

       cooke = NULL;
       tmp = nvl;
       do {
	       do {
		       nvl = tmp;
		       while ((name = nvlist_next(nvl, &type, &cookie))	!= NULL) {
			       if (type	== NV_TYPE_NVLIST) {
				       nvl = nvlist_get_nvlist(nvl, name);
				       cookie =	NULL;
			       } else if (type == NV_TYPE_NVLIST_ARRAY)	{
				       nvl = nvlist_get_nvlist_array(nvl, name,
				       cookie =	NULL;
		       cookie =	NULL;
	       } while ((tmp = nvlist_get_array_next(nvl)) != NULL);
       } while ((tmp = nvlist_get_parent(nvl, &cookie))	!= NULL);

       close(2), dup(2), open(2), err(3), free(3), printf(3), unix(4)

       The libnv library appeared in FreeBSD 11.0.

       The   libnv   library   was   implemented   by	Pawel	Jakub  Dawidek
       <> under sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation.

FreeBSD	13.2		       February	2, 2023				 NV(9)


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