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POUDRIERE-PORTS(8) System Manager's Manual POUDRIERE-PORTS(8) NAME poudriere ports -- manage ports trees SYNOPSIS poudriere ports subcommand [options] DESCRIPTION This command provides management of different ports trees which will be used by poudriere. One subcommand must be supplied. SUBCOMMANDS -c Creates a ports tree. -d Deletes a ports tree. -l List all available ports trees. -u Update a ports tree. OPTIONS Except for -l, all of the subcommands require the -p switch (see be- low). -B branch Specifies which branch to checkout when using the git or svn methods. -F When used with -c, only create the needed file systems (for ZFS) and directories, but do not populate them. -f filesystem The name of the filesystem to create for the ports tree. If set to "none" then do not create a filesystem. De- faults to "poudriere/ports/default". -k When used with -d, only unregister the ports tree with- out removing the files. -M mountpoint Path to the source of a ports tree. -m method Specify which method to use to create the ports tree. The default is git+https. portsnap Uses portsnap(8) (deprecated). null This option can be used to import an ex- isting directory that already contains a manually managed ports tree. The path must be specified with -M path. The path will be null-mounted during builds. git[+protocol] Use Git to download the sources. Sources will be cloned shallowly unless -D is specified. Output will mostly be hidden unless poudriere -v ports, or -v, are used. Use the -B branch parameter to set the branch name. The Git server address is derived from the GIT_PORTSURL variable in poudriere.conf. -U url may be used to override that value. The following protocols are supported: git (default), +http, +https, +file, +ssh. svn[+protocol] Use SVN to download the sources. Output will mostly be hidden unless poudriere -v ports, or -v, are used. Use the -B branch parameter to set the branch name. The SVN host address is derived from the SVN_HOST variable in poudriere.conf. -U url may be used to override that value. The following protocols are supported: svn (default), +http, +https, +file, +ssh. -n When combined with -l, only display the name of the ports tree. -p name Specifies the name of the ports tree to use. (Default: "default") -q When used with -l, remove the header in the list view. -U url Specifies which url to checkout from when using the git or svn methods. -v Show more verbose output. -y Do not prompt for confirmation when deleting a ports tree. EXAMPLES Creates a new checkout from Git called default from FreeBSD's official ports tree branch main. # poudriere ports -c Creates a new checkout from Git called quarterly from FreeBSD's offi- cial ports tree branch 2021Q1. # poudriere ports -c -p quarterly -B 2021Q1 Updates ports tree named quarterly. # poudriere ports -u -p quarterly Import a local manually-managed ports tree named local from /usr/ports. # poudriere ports -c -p local -m null -M /usr/ports ENVIRONMENT FETCH_BIND_ADDRESS The bind address used by fetch(1). See fetch(3) for more details. HTTP_PROXY HTTP_* http_* FTP_PROXY FTP_* http_* SSL_* NO_PROXY no_proxy The proxy configuration for fetch(1). See fetch(3) for other supported proxy environment variables. SEE ALSO poudriere(8), poudriere-bulk(8), poudriere-distclean(8), poudriere-image(8), poudriere-jail(8), poudriere-logclean(8), poudriere-options(8), poudriere-pkgclean(8), poudriere-queue(8), poudriere-status(8), poudriere-testport(8), poudriere-version(8) AUTHORS Baptiste Daroussin <> Bryan Drewery <> FreeBSD 13.2 April 26, 2021 POUDRIERE-PORTS(8)
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