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SCTP(4)			    Kernel Interfaces Manual		       SCTP(4)

       sctp -- Internet	Stream Control Transmission Protocol

       options SCTP
       options SCTP_SUPPORT

       #include	<sys/types.h>
       #include	<sys/socket.h>
       #include	<netinet/sctp.h>



       The SCTP	protocol provides reliable, flow-controlled, two-way transmis-
       sion  of	 data.	 It is a message oriented protocol and can support the
       SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_SEQPACKET abstractions.  SCTP  uses	 the  standard
       Internet	 address  format and, in addition, provides a per-host collec-
       tion of "port addresses".  Thus,	each address is	composed of an	Inter-
       net  address specifying the host	and network, with a specific SCTP port
       on the host identifying the peer	entity.

       There are two models of	programming  in	 SCTP.	 The  first  uses  the
       SOCK_STREAM  abstraction.   In  this  abstraction sockets utilizing the
       SCTP protocol are either	"active" or "passive".	Active sockets	initi-
       ate  connections	to passive sockets.  By	default, SCTP sockets are cre-
       ated active; to create a	passive	socket,	the listen(2) system call must
       be used after binding the socket	with the bind(2) or sctp_bindx(3) sys-
       tem calls.  Only	passive	sockets	may use	the accept(2) call  to	accept
       incoming	 connections.  Only active sockets may use the connect(2) call
       to initiate connections.

       The other abstraction SOCK_SEQPACKET provides a	"connectionless"  mode
       of  operation in	that the user may send to an address (using any	of the
       valid send calls	that carry a socket address) and an  association  will
       be  setup  implicitly by	the underlying SCTP transport stack.  This ab-
       straction is the	only one capable of sending data on the	third  leg  of
       the  four-way handshake.	 A user	must still call	listen(2) to allow the
       socket to accept	connections.  Calling listen(2)	however	does  not  re-
       strict  the  user  from	still initiating implicit connections to other

       The SCTP	protocol directly supports multi-homing.  So  when  binding  a
       socket  with the	"wildcard" address INADDR_ANY, the SCTP	stack will in-
       form the	peer about all of the local addresses that are deemed in scope
       of the peer.  The peer will then	possibly have multiple paths to	 reach
       the local host.

       The  SCTP  transport  protocol is also multi-streamed.  Multi-streaming
       refers to the ability to	send sub-ordered flows of  messages.   A  user
       performs	 this  by  specifying a	specific stream	in one of the extended
       send calls such as the sctp_send(3) function call.  Sending messages on
       different streams will allow parallel delivery of data i.e., a  message
       loss in stream 1	will not block the delivery of messages	sent in	stream

       The  SCTP transport protocol also provides a unordered service as well.
       The unordered service allows a message to be sent and delivered with no
       regard to the ordering of any other message.

       The SCTP	kernel implementation may either be compiled into the  kernel,
       or  loaded  dynamically as a module.  To	support	dynamic	loading	of the
       stack, the kernel must be compiled with options SCTP_SUPPORT.

       The FreeBSD implementation of SCTP also supports	the  following	exten-

       sctp partial reliability	 This  extension allows	one to have message be
				 skipped and not delivered based on some  user
				 specified parameters.

       sctp dynamic addressing	 This  extension  allows addresses to be added
				 and deleted dynamically from an existing  as-

       sctp authentication	 This  extension  allows the user to authenti-
				 cate specific peer chunks (including data) to
				 validate that the peer	who sent  the  message
				 is  in	 fact  the peer	who setup the associa-
				 tion.	A shared key option is	also  provided
				 for so	that two stacks	can pre-share keys.

       packet drop		 Some routers support a	special	satellite pro-
				 tocol	that will report losses	due to corrup-
				 tion.	This  allows  retransmissions  without
				 subsequent loss in bandwidth utilization.

       stream reset		 This  extension  allows a user	on either side
				 to reset the stream sequence numbers used  by
				 any or	all streams.

   Socket Options
       SCTP  supports  a  number  of  socket  options  which  can  be set with
       setsockopt(2) and tested	with getsockopt(2) or sctp_opt_info(3):

	       Under most circumstances, SCTP sends data when it is presented;
	       when outstanding	data has not yet been acknowledged, it gathers
	       small amounts of	output to be sent in a single packet  once  an
	       acknowledgement	is received.  For some clients,	such as	window
	       systems that send a stream of mouse  events  which  receive  no
	       replies,	 this packetization may	cause significant delays.  The
	       boolean option SCTP_NODELAY defeats this	algorithm.

	       This option returns specific information	about an  associations
	       "Retransmission	Time  Out".  It	can also be used to change the
	       default values.

	       This option returns specific information	 about	the  requested

	       This  option allows you to get or set the default sending para-
	       meters when an association is implicitly	setup.	It allows  you
	       to  change such things as the maximum number of streams allowed
	       inbound and the number of streams requested of the peer.

	       For the one-to-many  model  (SOCK_SEQPACKET)  associations  are
	       setup implicitly.  This option allows the user to specify a de-
	       fault  number of	idle seconds to	allow the association be main-
	       tained.	After the idle timer (where no user message have  been
	       sent  or	have been received from	the peer) the association will
	       be gracefully closed.  The default for this value is 0, or  un-
	       limited (i.e., no automatic close).

	       The  dynamic  address extension allows a	peer to	also request a
	       particular address of its be made  into	the  primary  address.
	       This option allows the caller to	make such a request to a peer.
	       Note that if the	peer does not also support the dynamic address
	       extension, this call will fail.	Note the caller	must provide a
	       valid  local  address  that the peer has	been told about	during
	       association setup or dynamically.

	       This option allows the setting of the primary address that  the
	       caller wishes to	send to.  The caller provides the address of a
	       peer that is to be made primary.

	       The  dynamic  address extension also allows a user to pass a 32
	       bit opaque value	upon association setup.	 This option allows  a
	       user to set or get this value.

	       By  default  SCTP  will	fragment  user	messages into multiple
	       pieces that will	fit on the network and then later, upon	recep-
	       tion, reassemble	the pieces into	a  single  user	 message.   If
	       this  option is enabled instead,	any send that exceeds the path
	       maximum transfer	unit (P-MTU) will fail and  the	 message  will
	       NOT be sent.

	       This  option  will allow	a user to set or get specific peer ad-
	       dress parameters.

	       When a user does	not use	one of the extended send calls	(e.g.,
	       sctp_sendmsg(3))	 a  set	 of default values apply to each send.
	       These values include things like	the stream number to  send  to
	       as well as the per-protocol id.	This option lets a caller both
	       get  and	 set  these values.  If	the user changes these default
	       values, then these new values will be used as the default when-
	       ever no information is provided by the sender (i.e.,  the  non-
	       extended	API is used).

	       SCTP  has non-data events that it can communicate to its	appli-
	       cation.	By default these are all disabled since	they arrive in
	       the data	path with a special flag MSG_NOTIFICATION set upon the
	       received	message.  This option lets  a  caller  both  get  what
	       events  are  current  being  received  as well as set different
	       events that they	may be interested in receiving.

	       SCTP supports both IPV4 and IPV6.  An association may span both
	       IPV4 and	IPV6 addresses since SCTP is multi-homed.  By default,
	       when opening an IPV6 socket, when data arrives  on  the	socket
	       from a peer's V4	address	the V4 address	will be	presented with
	       an  address  family  of	AF_INET.  If this is undesirable, then
	       this option can be enabled which	will then convert all  V4  ad-
	       dresses into mapped V6 representations.

	       By  default  SCTP chooses its message fragmentation point based
	       upon the	smallest P-MTU of the  peer.   This  option  lets  the
	       caller set it to	a smaller value.  Note that while the user can
	       change  this  value, if the P-MTU is smaller than the value set
	       by the user, then the P-MTU value will override any  user  set-

	       This option lets	the user both set and get the delayed ack time
	       (in  milliseconds)  and	the  ack frequency that	SCTP is	using.
	       The default delayed ack time is 200 milliseconds	 and  the  de-
	       fault ack frequency is 2.

	       SCTP  at	 times may need	to start delivery of a very large mes-
	       sage before the entire message has arrived.   By	 default  SCTP
	       waits  until  the incoming message is larger than one fourth of
	       the receive buffer.  This option	allows the stacks value	to  be
	       overridden with a smaller value.

	       SCTP at times will start	partial	delivery (as mentioned above).
	       In the normal case successive reads will	continue to return the
	       rest of the message, blocking if	needed,	until all of that mes-
	       sage  is	 read.	However	this means other messages may have ar-
	       rived and be ready for delivery and be blocked behind the  mes-
	       sage  being  partially  delivered.   If this option is enabled,
	       when a partial delivery message has no  more  data  to  be  re-
	       ceived,	then  a	subsequent read	may return a different message
	       that is ready for delivery.  By	default	 this  option  is  off
	       since  the  user	must be	using the extended API's to be able to
	       tell the	difference between messages (via the stream and	stream
	       sequence	number).

	       By default only the dynamic  addressing	chunks	are  authenti-
	       cated.	This option lets a user	request	an additional chunk be
	       authenticated as	well.  Note that successive calls to this  op-
	       tion will work and continue to add more chunks that require au-
	       thentication.   Note that this option only effects future asso-
	       ciations	and not	existing ones.

	       This option allows a user to specify a shared key that  can  be
	       later used to authenticate a peer.

	       This option will	let you	get or set the list of HMAC algorithms
	       used  to	 authenticate peers.  Note that	the HMAC values	are in
	       priority	order where the	first HMAC identifier is the most pre-
	       ferred and the last is the least	preferred.

	       This option allows you to make a	key active for the  generation
	       of  authentication  information.	  Note that the	peer must have
	       the same	key or else the	data will be discarded.

	       This option allows you to delete	an old key.

	       The sockets api document	allows an extended send/receive	infor-
	       mation structure	to be used.  The extended  structure  includes
	       additional  fields  related  to the next	message	to be received
	       (after the current receive completes) if	 such  information  is
	       known.	By  default the	system will not	pass this information.
	       This option allows the user to request this information.

	       By default when bound to	all address and	the system administra-
	       tor has enables automatic dynamic  addresses,  the  SCTP	 stack
	       will automatically generate address changes into	add and	delete
	       requests	to any peers by	setting	this option to true.  This op-
	       tion allows an endpoint to disable that behavior.

	       By  default  SCTP implements micro-burst	control	so that	as the
	       congestion window opens up no large burst  of  packets  can  be
	       generated.   The	default	burst limit is four.  This option lets
	       the user	change this value.

	       Many sctp extended calls	have a	context	 field.	  The  context
	       field  is  a  32	bit opaque value that will be returned in send
	       failures.  This option lets the caller set the default  context
	       value to	use when none is provided by the user.

	       By  default,  a single send is a	complete message.  SCTP	gener-
	       ates an implied record boundary.	 If this  option  is  enabled,
	       then  all sends are part	of the same message until the user in-
	       dicates an end of record	with the special flag SCTP_EOR	passed
	       in the sctp_sndrcvinfo flags field.  This effectively makes all
	       sends part of the same message until the	user specifies differ-
	       ently.	This  means  that  a caller must NOT change the	stream
	       number until after the SCTP_EOR is passed to SCTP else an error
	       will be returned.

	       This option is a	read-only option that returns  various	status
	       information about the specified association.

	       This read-only option returns information about a peer address.

	       This read-only option returns a list of the chunks the peer re-
	       quires to be authenticated.

	       This  read-only	option	returns	a list of the locally required
	       chunks that must	be authenticated.

	       This socket option is used to cause a stream sequence number or
	       all stream sequence numbers to be reset.	 Note  that  the  peer
	       SCTP  endpoint  must also support the stream reset extension as

   MIB Variables
       The SCTP	protocol implements a number of	variables in the net.inet.sctp
       branch of the sysctl(3) MIB.

       Congestion Control

	       Default congestion control module.  Default value  is  0.   The
	       minimum	is  0, and the maximum is 3.  A	value of 0 enables the
	       default congestion control algorithm.  A	value of 1 enables the
	       High Speed congestion control algorithm.	 A value of 2  enables
	       the  HTCP  congestion  control algorithm.  A value of 3 enables
	       the data	center congestion control (DCCC) algorithm.

	       Defines the initial congestion window size in MTUs.

	       Use congestion control instead of 'blind' logic to limit	 maxi-
	       mum burst when sending.	Default	value is 1. May	be set to 0 or

	       Enable  Explicit	 Congestion Notification (ECN).	 Default value
	       is 1. May be set	to 0 or	1.

	       Number of identical bandwidth measurements DCCC	takes  to  try
	       step  down  the	congestion  window.  Default value is 20.  The
	       minimum is 0, and the maximum is	65535.

	       Whether DCCC reduces the	congestion window size when round-trip
	       time and	bandwidth remain unchanged.  Default value is 0.   May
	       be set to 0 or 1.

	       Shift  amount  DCCC uses	for bandwidth smoothing	on round-trip-
	       time calculation.  Default value	is 4.  The minimum is  0,  and
	       the maximum is 32.

	       Shift  amount DCCC uses for round-trip-time smoothing on	round-
	       trip-time calculation.  Default value is	5.  The	minimum	is  0,
	       and the maximum is 32.

	       Enable ECN when using DCCC.  Default value is 1.	 May be	set to
	       0 or 1.


	       Get the ucred of	a SCTP connection.

	       List of active SCTP associations.

       stats   SCTP statistics (struct sctp_stat).

	       Diagnostic information error cause code.

	       Enable SCTP blackholing.	 See blackhole(4) for more details.

	       Maximum	message	 size  (in bytes) that can be transmitted with
	       SCTP_SENDALL flags set.

	       Enable send/receive buffer splitting.

	       Vtag wait time in seconds, 0 to disable.

	       Enable sending of the NAT-friendly SCTP option on INITs.

	       Enable sending of the SACK-IMMEDIATELY bit.

	       Set the SCTP/UDP	tunneling port.

	       Enable SCTP fast	handoff.

	       Enable SCTP base	mobility

	       Default fragment	interleave level.

	       Default stream scheduling module.

	       Ltrace/KTR trace	logging	level.

	       Number of retransmissions of a DATA chunk before	an association
	       is aborted.

	       Minimum residual	data chunk in second part of split.

	       Enforce strict data ordering, abort if control inside data.

	       Abort when one-to-one hits qlimit.

	       Confirmation heartbeat max burst.

	       Flush chunks in receive queues with TSN higher than the cumula-
	       tive TSN	if the system is low on	mbufs.

	       Default max number of small mbufs on a chain.

	       SCTP ABC	max increase per SACK (L).

	       SCTP NAT	friendly operation.

	       CMT DAC on/off flag.

	       CMT settings.

	       Default number of outgoing streams.

	       Default number of incoming streams.

	       When space-wise is it worthwhile	to try to add more to a	socket
	       send buffer.

	       Default potentially failed threshold.

	       Default maximum of retransmissions per path.

	       Default maximum number of retransmissions per association.

	       Default maximum number of retransmissions for INIT chunks.

	       Default cookie lifetime in seconds.

	       Default maximum retransmission timeout during association setup
	       in ms.

	       Default initial retransmission timeout in ms.

	       Default minimum retransmission timeout in ms.

	       Default maximum retransmission timeout in ms.

	       Default secret lifetime in seconds.

	       Shutdown	guard timer in seconds (0 means	5 times	RTO.Max).

	       Default PMTU raise timer	in seconds.

	       Default heartbeat interval in ms.

	       Max number of cached resources in an association.

	       Max number of cached resources in the system.

	       Default SACK frequency.

	       Default delayed SACK timer in ms.

	       Tunable for scaling of number of	chunks and messages.

	       Minimum size when splitting a chunk.

	       Tunable for PCB hash table sizes.

	       Tunable for TCB hash table sizes.

	       Default max chunks on queue per association.

	       Default max burst for SCTP endpoints when fast retransmitting.

	       Default max burst for SCTP endpoints.

	       Amount to debit peers rwnd per chunk sent.

	       Enable SCTP Strict SACK checking.

	       Enable SCTP PKTDROP.

	       Enable SCTP NR-SACK.

	       Enable SCTP RE-CONFIG.

	       Enable SCTP ASCONF.

	       Enable SCTP AUTH.

	       Enable PR-SCTP.

	       Enable SCTP Auto-ASCONF.

	       Maximum incoming	SCTP buffer size.

	       Maximum outgoing	SCTP buffer size.

       accept(2),    bind(2),	 connect(2),	 listen(2),	sctp_bindx(3),
       sctp_connectx(3),  sctp_opt_info(3),  sctp_recvmsg(3), sctp_sendmsg(3),

       The sctp	kernel module cannot be	unloaded.

FreeBSD	13.2			 June 21, 2023			       SCTP(4)


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